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Sosia's Journal
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2007-01-25 00:48:25
A Night Out With Hamish and Dougal
As promised, here's my full write up from last Sunday night's recording (well, actually my full write up's here, but I'm a lazy sod and couldn't be bothered to write it again, so I've cut and pasted)

I'll cut straight to the interesting bit after the recording ...

We went out from the theatre and into the bar to wait by the door, expecting the cast to come out that way. Carrie and I found out pens to get our pages of script signed and cameras for photos and tried to calm our nerves (Carrie said something at this point I can't repeat, but makes me laugh to think back on it). Then Kate pointed out that Barry and Graeme were already at the bar! How they'd got there so fast I don't know, but we had to fight through the crowd to make our way over to them. As we went round a pillar Graeme looked our way and smiled as he saw us coming, so I said to Carrie "he's seen you", at which point she stopped. So I said "go on then" and she asked why she had to go first. I said it was because she was nearer! So she went and asked for her autograph and then asked for a photo, which I took. I realised as I was holding the camera up that my hand was actually trembling, such is the effect that a Goodie can have on me! (I was worried afterwards that it might have effected the photo, but fortunately it didn't).

Then it was my turn. I asked Graeme to sign my script page, which he did (with a kiss under his name!). Then I asked if I could have a photo too. I managed not to make the same mistake I had in Edinburgh and fumble and drop my bag and coat, and I thought enough to take my bag off my shoulder and put it in my hand, so that it wouldn't be between me and Graeme. He put his arm around my shoulder and I put mine across his back. It felt so comfortable that I really wasn't bothered when Carrie was struggling to get my camera to take a picture. It seemed that we were standing there for ages, but I wasn't in a hurry to help! (To be honest I'm not sure I could have, as I still wasn't doing very well at speaking). But eventually the picture took and I had to move (damn!).

Then we chatted a little to Graeme (well, I was there, but didn't say much), and he asked if we were going to get Barry to sign our scripts too. We said we were, but that we were waiting for him to come inside (he was standing outside the door, smoking) and we knew he would as his beer was still at the bar. Graeme said something about his [Barry's] wife still being there too. Then Jeremy Hardy, Alison Steadman and a crowd of other people came and talked to Graeme, so we stood to one side and debated whether or not to stay and have a drink. While we were deciding we asked Jeremy and Alison to sign our scripts, and we spent a bit of time chatting to Jeremy, mainly about his problem with liqueurs! He was lovely and seemed happy to chat too. Then Carrie decided not to wait for Barry to come back in and went outside for an autograph. I thought this was a good idea, so I went out too. Coming back inside we carried on debating about stopping for a drink, when we noticed that Graeme was gathering his stuff and looked like he was going. Suddenly we weren't at all bothered about stopping! So we got our stuff and followed him out (claiming that we weren't really following him). We all stopped outside to say goodbye, and as Graeme was adjusting his scarf someone (I can't remember if it was Kate or Carrie) commented how nice it was, to which he replied that we all looked lovely too. Then we all said goodnight and went our separate ways home.

So on the third time of meeting Graeme I still didn't get a hug (although the long photo pose kind of made up for it). But then no one else did either. It wasn't really a huggy night. Maybe next time ... ?

And the picture? Well, see what you think

Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never

It's a great write-up, Sosia. Many thanks for that. Sounds a great evening, can't wait to hear it on radio on Thursday! The photo is lovely - G looks extremely happy to have his  arm    around you! And you look great!
Posted by:Dobbin


date: 24/01/2007 19:36 GMT
Glad you liked it. And it's worth the wait to hear it on Thursday!

I look a bit shocked in the photo - can't think why?? 
Posted by:Sosia


date: 24/01/2007 21:04 GMT
What did I say that made you laugh but you can't repeat it?  Ah, damn, you can't repeat it! - I can't for the life of me think what it was and I honestly can't believe that I, of all people would be rude!  
It was a great evening and I'm glad we got to chat properly.
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 31/01/2007 21:08 GMT
It was (surprisingly) something to do with the very lovely man who, at the time, was standing at the other end of the bar! 
Posted by:Sosia


date: 04/02/2007 22:09 GMT
Sosia, I was wondering  what B and G had to drink at the bar? A wee dram, as it was all Scottish? Or a pint? You were probably too shell shocked to notice, being in the presence of the scarf and purple shirt ..... but would be interested to know, if you did notice. Thanks!
Posted by:Dobbin


date: 06/02/2007 23:04 GMT
Errm ... can't say I was paying that much attention!

Thinking about it, it wasn't whisky - the glasses were too big!
Posted by:Sosia


date: 07/02/2007 13:57 GMT
Great pic!  Once again, I'm jealous!!
Posted by:joey


date: 13/02/2007 09:41 GMT
You are so fortunate to be able to go to the radio show tapings & etc. Lucky you, it must be hilarious seeing the show being made.
I met Graeme and Tim at an autograph signing the second time they toured Australia in November 2005 and they are both thorough gentlemen. A privelgege to have met them. I must confess to also temporarily sounding like a 14-year-old, I was so overwhelmed. I'm sure they're used to grown women gushing over them by now, by the sound of it.
Posted by:mynameishelga


date: 23/02/2007 07:29 GMT
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