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Flippa's Journal
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2006-12-31 12:05:11
I consider this a big step for me, since I usually blog every two weeks, but here I am, online and ... blogging.
I was thinking to myself that maybe I should say something about the Goodies, since this would be that place to do it. My friends are fed up with hearing about them. But then I thought it over and I really don't have anything to say. so I'll skip that, leaving only a "I love Graeme" and a 

then I started thinking about what else I could write about. and I couldn't think of anything. I could write more of that "I'm from Iceland" but I've done that twice and I'm dried up. so I could write about my day, but I guess that wouldn't be very interesting either. I've spent the day sitting inside making cartoons on my computer. and also, I don't find that kind of blogging fun. that's just people saying "oh, i got up at nine and had coffee". no offense to people who write that kind of blogs, and there are a lot of you, but when you've seen one you've seen them all. except if your a superhero. or a Goodie.

one final thing. if this Rolf Harris voting is so annoying (which i suppose it is since it's in the poll) why don't you all stop putting the option in?

P.S. I like P.S.'s. They finalize the blog. they're not necessary, but I like them.

and on those words, night-night. (for you GMT people)

Mood - I feel sad couse I loaned my copy of Hitchhikers
Music - my phone's ringing ... does that count?
Edited - Never

The idea behind the Rolf Harris in the polls, is simply to add a slightly light-hearted entry which is common to all poll questions, even if it isn't relevant.

The idea is not original however, I blatently stole it from Slashdot who use the entry of CowboyNeal at least once in each poll they do.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 31/12/2006 06:50 GMT
I thought you might say that.
Posted by:Flippa


date: 31/12/2006 23:42 GMT
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