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Flippa's Journal
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2006-12-30 12:55:25
more on Iceland couse I'm like that now
hello all you sporty good looking hot pieces of groin out there. i'm not drunk, or even tipsy, but that's just the way I am made. don't be alarmed, inside I am a sweet little pumpkin.

as you know, a few days ago happened a thing called christmas. that's when kids get lots of presents and older people (so-called Grown-ups) get fewer presents. I'm in this little minority group kalled teenagers. so I get a fair amount of presents. which is nice.

but did you know, once again on christmas, we Icelanders are....different. let me show you.

take two examples. let's make them two little boys and call them typical names, the English one is Paul and the Icelandic is Gušvaršur (the hardest most icelandic name I could think of).

the eve of the 12 of december. Paul is asleep but Gušvaršur isn't. he's exited becouse the first Santa is coming. in Iceland we have thirteen santas. they used to be a lot more but they're probably dying, since they've been around for about 400 years. ther've got names like Door Slammer, Window Peeper and Candle Stealer, and Door Sniffer (NOT official translations for the names) because in the beginning they didn't give kids stuff, they stole candles and slammed dors and ...sniffed? I'm not too sure abouot the last one. Also, I would like to point out that there used to be a santa who blew up ladies' skirts called Skirt Blower. I don't know why they ever invented such a Santa. no wait I do. They didn't give kids stuff, they just annoyed people. nice for them. They were brothers and their parents were the infamous trolls Gryla and Leppaludi (not translations, gryla is untranslatable and Leppaludi means Lame Patch Person  . gryla was known to eat children, as did their cat, The christmas cat(sound really yolly, doesn't it?))

now, it's christmas eve. Paul is in bed, trying to sleep. he thinks his christmas sucks ass, because he's just heard of a kid in Iceland with an unpronouncable name, who has already opened his presents. Now, I don't really know if any other countries do this, but we do. if you know of any, shout it out loud...or comment. anyway. this is a really useful thing, because we get to open first. not the brits, and not the frenchies and not the yanks, but the bloody eskimos in iceland. i don't think you care. maybe couse were very few, and insignificant. yeah.

I would make a list here of all the icelandic myth creatures who eat children, but I can't be bothered. Google it. you do it if you're interested.

If there are any Icelandic folk out there, sorry if I have been making fun of you, but if I have been I sure as hell have been making fun at me too, and that makes it all right. don't hate me, hate my silly little twisted sense of humour.

This I find funny in an Icelandic deeper sort of understanding that you will never in your entire life understand because I am superior to you. 

I am Flippa, that's so cool
cause I live in Iceland
we have giant cannbals
, gryla, bjork and

Iceland is a hippy place
'cept you need some shoewear
'couse the cold bull likes to eat
toes that are left bare

I just figured something neat
you have very sexy feet
come into my igloo now
let's see how we kung fu pow

I'm not making any sence
and my rhymes are failing
so I say farwell to you
'cause, I'm now bailing this whole shit. ok, i'm wrong, Icelander suck at this. *silence*. if i keep this in, I may be in grave danger, so I'm going to cut it out, if I'm bothered. I probably wont, since i'm writing all this. I'm writing "I'm" in the start of centences without thinking. I'm maybe in need for some sleep

just out of curiosity, are there any Icelanders in here. not that if there aren't any, I will start making fun of them. I'm not THAT mean. I'll just skip the apologies. after all, i'm one of their own blood. they wouldn't chop me up into pieces with their swords and axes.

my alter ego today is laughing, which is a sign of mentality, so I must get sleep

P.S. apologies to all, icelanders, other people, and the rest of you somethings out there reading.

P.S. P.S. is mentality a real word?

P.S. P.S. P.S. am I doing this P.S thing right?

P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. ok, I'm stupid, what does P.S. mean?

P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. sorry to all the poor people who are still reading. suckers 

P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. ...and I'm sorry about what I said in the beginning.


Mood - I feel like a genetically altered Moose
Music - MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (moose-sounds. if they make any, dunno)
Edited - Never

I maked many spelinerorrs in tis tekst abouvue  and I am mutch shorri. I kan yust gife yue mi vord tat it villl nod hapenn agen

P.S. and I will not translate what I just said in this comment into real english. hehehehehe

and I'm sorry if anyone got the impression that bjork was a cannibal. i didn't mean it that way. but it is very funny and i won't change it. partly .. no mostly because i can't. Björk, if you ever read this, this wasn't written by me, this is ....... something else? ehm......yeah? not me. some other kid I don't know. not me. yeah? not me. (wouldn't it be funny if it was true and she would read this and eat me? I would laugh but I'm kind of nervous right now. breathing fast and blinking like a fudging car screen....that blinks....I don't know anymore). forget what I just said.

P.S.P.S. et cetera. and I can make better poems than that. I make a lot of poems. I just sucked at that very moment. honestly

and another thing, how do you edit journey entries. I know about the edit button, but it doesn't like me very much. I think I woke it up in the middle of the bloody night.
Posted by:Flippa


date: 30/12/2006 02:53 GMT
I should have read the text over when I'm more awake. journey is supposed to be journal. if you didn't figure this out yourself you are a Rolf Harris. or a Rolf Harris voter. I haven't really figured that thing out yet (hehe, Rolf is a thing) but I can imagine this is an offence to Goodie-fans
Posted by:Flippa


date: 30/12/2006 03:01 GMT
Sorry Filippa, no editing journal entries yet.  I broke it when I upgraded the site a couple of weeks back and I've been too busy with the silly season to fix it.

I'm hoping that I can find some time in the new year to fix it up.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 30/12/2006 03:43 GMT
phew, thanks for telling me, I though i was just incredibly stupid. I feel much better now.
and Flippa is short for Filipia, by the way.
Posted by:Flippa


date: 31/12/2006 01:15 GMT
xD AAAAAAAHHH!!!!! Djöfulsins fokking rugl! *elsk*
You make us Icelanders seem like a bunch of wankers.... but whatever.
Ah. hahh... aahhhefahfdh... Žaš er spes aš vera ein aš einhverfast ķ tölvunni - skellihlęjandi.
Posted by:HotPieceOfGroin


date: 31/12/2006 17:27 GMT
no offence, but we icelanders are a bunch of wankers.


HotPieceOfGroin. didn't I just write that in my blog?

Oh my god, i have a fan
Posted by:Flippa


date: 01/01/2007 13:13 GMT
I am officially your biggest fan. Yet...
Posted by:HotPieceOfGroin


date: 01/01/2007 23:46 GMT
I don't know what to say to that.........
Posted by:Flippa


date: 02/01/2007 02:53 GMT
How 'bout "will you marry me and go put things on fire together?"?
Posted by:HotPieceOfGroin


date: 02/01/2007 22:00 GMT
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