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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
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2006-12-14 04:02:55
Long Time No Journal!
Well it's been a long long week full of my sister returning from Canada for a week with her husband, Christmas preparations, being asked to start 2 different jobs at the same time (I knew I'd scored ages ago at one of them) and also my Sims2 addiction.  What a game that is... great for the imagination.

So not much has happened of interest except Jess has very kindly organised  Darlington for us!  My cats are using my artificial Christmas tree as a scratching post and my sister has been through some of her baggage and found me a few Goodies items.  A few interviews, videos etc.  She surprised me by saying she'd never seen the Eckythump episode which I find REALLY hard to believe.  Every Goodies fan has seen *that* episode surely?!  There's means and ways right?

It reminded me of when the Goodies drove my family crazy in the 90s - my sis downloaded a Goodies themed computer wallpaper, screensaver, quotes as prompts, icons and mouse pointer!  Anyway the non-noisy stuff was fine.  It was logging onto the computer with 'Goodies! goody goody yum yum *guitar riff*' - it was okay for the first couple of months but a couple of years later it lost the appeal.  That and 'The puddings are coming!  Errk!' whenever you did something wrong on the computer and the less annoying 'xx tonnes splat straight down on the middle' quote of that kind from the Greenies when Graeme refers to the grass seed - shall look the quote up properly.  It drove everyone crazy.

Well have to dash - off to buy Christmas tree!  Byeeee x

p.s. it's been over a year since I felt Rufus Wainwright's stubble on my face... dammit.

Mood - sing sing singity sing consider me singing
Music - I'm Only Sleeping - the Beatles
Edited - Never

Ah Peej mate, we're so similar - I have a Sims2 addiction and my old computer used to have that Goodies theme on it - must download it onto this one, some of the quotes may have become a tad annoying but I never tired of the one from Farm Fresh Food that had Tim saying "Come on we're leaving" "but your sweet sir.." "Oh thank you very much but we're still leaving!" - love it!
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 16/01/2007 21:20 GMT
Ahhh I'd forgotten about that one!  Excellent stuff
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 17/01/2007 20:02 GMT
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