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urban_spacegirl's Journal
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2006-11-17 23:28:29
Halloween, Hookah bars and Haircuts
1.  Halloween was a very very good night out.  We started off doing shots (so much cheaper and more fun than normal drinking) in O'Berby's and then went to somewhere that claimed to be having a Halloween party across the road, but really the French don't do dressing up at all.  It was very cool.  People kept on buying us drinks.  I don't really recall much about the night, but I have such incredible photos, so I can sort of piece it together.  We ended it with our usual 4am pain au chocolats on the way home.  I really love nights out over here, but this one was amazing cos everyone was in a going-out mood.  And I got to be a pirate!  Which is always fun.  I want to start dressing like that everyday.

2. The day after Halloween was a national holiday, so thankfully I didn't have to go to uni.  I had a lazy day, then me, Tyler and Katie had fajitas at her house which were immense! I hadn't eaten that well since I got here and I haven't eaten that well since that night.  Then we went on the the hookah bar and met up with all the Manchester uni kids.  It was so much fun, totally totally relaxing.  We were smoking a rose-flavoured one first and then an apple flavoured one.  They sell all sorts of fancy tea there so me and Katie had something which translated literally as 'prostitute tea' which amused me greatly.  It was a fun night and a good way of relaxing after the madness of halloween.

3.  I had a haircut yesterday.  It looks about a million times better than it did before, so I'm happy with it.  I'd go as far as to say that I actually look good.  I've been experimenting with liquid eyeliner recently, and have finally found out how to do it properly.  So I'm happy with me at the moment *touches wood* I'm planning on getting a lipring when I go home, so I'm praying that doesn't go wrong.

Speaking of going home...I'm going home tomorrow!  I've just been looking to make sure that I know where and when I have to be to get all the trains in time.  i'm completely freaking out cos I've given myself an hour and a half to change stations at Paris, but now Im beginning to think that that's not enough.... the lady in the train station said it would be adequate, but now I'm worried.  Fingers crossed!  Wish me lucK...

I'm seeing David Mitchell and Robert Webb on Sunday night and then Clue (or should I say 'Sunderland LoveFest 2006'...?) a week later.  Hopefully it'll be a good week!

Mood - Very excited
Music - The White Stripes
Edited -


An hour and a half... take it easy - be calm and make sure you get the right tube (I think you said you had to take one!) - good luck; why can't these places have just the one train station? 

Liquid eyeliner - something I've avoided because I make a mess; good on you for mastering that! 

Fancy seeing Clue a week on Sunday!  Enjoy Mitchell and Webb   See you very soon!
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 17/11/2006 23:40 GMT
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