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nezangel's Journal
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2006-11-16 07:51:01
London Clue Flirt Report!
Righty ho, it's been a fair while since I've been on GROK, never mind done a journal but as I was at the Clue recording in London on Sunday I thought I'd do a little write-up of what I remember in case anyone is interested, so here goes!
OK, you know I’m a rambling sort so apologies in advance!

Well the day started with a bit of a lie in as I’d been out for 14 hours the day before – some of which was spent stood in the cold watching a football match (Lewes 1 - 4 Darlington – woohoo, my team won!) so I was a little tired come Sunday morning! 
I didn’t go out til around half 3 picking Rosemarie up on the way to the station.  We chatted and giggled on the train into London (which takes about 45 minutes) we were both really looking forward to the evening’s entertainment.  We went straight to the theatre, although a couple of hours early as I had to pick up the tickets from the box office, then as we had time to kill we went into Garfunkels (or Farfunkels as us Giddies would have it!  ) next door and had some chips (we weren’t that hungry) and a chat.  After that we wandered down the road to Buckingham Palace and Rojo took a picture of me in front of the gates and we laughed about what the Queen would say if she saw us outside, especially if she heard my northern accent: “Phillip! One of the servants has escaped!”
Anyway, after wandering about a bit we went back to the theatre and after making us stand out in the cold for a while they let the gathered crowd in.  Hundreds of people and only 3 toilets for the women – go figure!  Then I queued for a drink, and finally got served by the bloke behind the bar who’s name must have been Dick Turpin – a double vodka and orange (very small glass too – mind you that made it lovely and strong!) cost me…get this…£6.75, I actually got him to repeat it as I thought I must have misheard.  I got back through the thronging crowd to Rojo and ranted at her, (scaring a poor couple nearby) about the price of my drink but once I’d had a few sips I was chilled again (I call double vodka & OJ my “Happy Juice”!).  Then finally they let us go to our seats. 


We were in Row H, which wasn’t bad at all and on the same side as Graeme and Barry but I had a great view of all those on stage.  The guest was Rob Brydon and he was hilarious throughout – I do believe he’s now my favourite Clue guest!    I felt sorry for Graeme as he seemed to have a bit of a cough and his voice was weaker than usual so I hope he’s feeling ok now. 
I won’t go into detail of the contents of the show as I don’t want to spoil it for those who will listen to the broadcast, (plus I’ve forgotten a lot of it!  ).  There was one bit where Tim had been eliminated from a game and he got up and wandered about on stage pouting and generally milking the audience for all the sympathy he could get - which was a lot!  It made me chuckle! 
After the show we went to the stage door and stood waiting in the drizzle.  There were a few others about including Sosia (Helen), Clair and Kate. 
It took them quite a while to come out – much longer than usual but Colin, Barry and Graeme emerged first and around the same time and I finally managed to stop Colin escaping before he could sign as he usually does so I am now the proud owner of a Colin Sell autograph!    While he was signing he mentioned what a great audience it had been and I told him in return what a great piano player he is which made him chuckle!  Barry went away quite quickly so I didn’t get to speak to him.
My friend asked Graeme to sign some paper for her dad & brother – she wanted to buy the Uxbridge English Dictionaries at the show and get them signed as Christmas presents but it’s a good job she took the paper along as there was no merchandise for sale – a real shame, I wonder why the BBC don’t sell more merchandise at these things? – ah yes, because they’re stupid!   
Anyway as Graeme was signing he glanced at me a couple of times, obviously remembering me and finally he said “Hello” to me in a cheery voice so I bashfully replied with the same, then as he’d finished signing I said “I’ve already got your autograph many times so I wondered if I could just have a hug please”.  I got my hug from a smiling Graeme and very warm and lovely it was too *sigh*,  I also got my picture taken with him: (yes I’m grinning inanely in it again!) – so Dobbin, as you asked on the forums you can see what he was wearing in the picture    The scarf he was wearing was lovely and I think its so cool he wears a brown cord jacket!    He was then signing for the other fans and it was at this point that I was chatting to Colin.  Graeme then came back over to Colin to bid him goodbye and he said bye to us too with a lovely smile *sigh again* and walked off. 
After that Rob came out of the stage door and walked straight up to me and Rosemarie!  He said he wasn’t sure if we wanted his autograph or if we were there for the main stars but we assured him we wanted his autograph too (bless his modesty!).  I told him I love his show, Supernova and he grinned and seemed really pleased then said something along the lines of me being in a minority and that “we should have you stuffed!” which amused me greatly as I’ve only ever known me and my dad use that expression in that context before!  We then cheekily asked if we could have a photo with him and as we were taking our places at each side of him & as he put his arms around us *sigh* I said something like “lucky you, a girl on each arm!” and he grinned and squeezed my waist tightly (wallop!!) and he quite possibly said something too but the waist squeezing distracted me from knowing what planet I was on for a moment!  A kind gentleman fan took the picture for us – I hope I remembered to thank him in my daze, I think I did, anyway I checked the pic and Rob looked a bit shocked in it (here it is: ) so I showed it to him (the picture, I meant the picture you rude people!! ) and said “what was I doing to you?!” which amused him – I can’t remember what he said in reply (damn my crap memory!) but he was probably a bit scared – my flirting knows no bounds!    Then Rob was distracted by other fans and we were distracted by Tim who signed the bits of paper for Rosemarie (her dad is called Ted and her brother Ed so every time she asked anyone to sign they each remarked on it!).  He put “Goody Wishes” then said that he thought it was a bit silly that he still put that after all these years but I said “but The Goodies is the best TV show ever!”, he agreed but said “I think we may be a little biased”.  Rojo then daringly told him she’d heard so much about how good his hugs were that she wondered if she could have one!  Of course he willingly obliged her and Rob overheard and said to her “you didn’t ask me for a hug!” (we wanted to ask but felt it would be too cheeky!), so she gratefully hugged Rob as Tim hugged me!  As we hugged he pulled back a bit and said with a grin, “ooh this is nice isn’t it?” to which I grinningly replied something like “it is indeed!” and we went back in for a closer hug and a small amount of back rubbing! (phwoar!)    Then I turned to see Rob waiting to hug me – I mean bloody hell, how exciting a sight is that?!  So I moved into his open arms and was amazed at how good a hug he is too – almost as good as Tim (but not quite) – damn these men for being so wonderfully sexy!  As we finished hugging he started to move away but said “we should meet more often!” and I replied with “I could give you my number if you like” but he either didn’t hear or he heard but as he was now walking away with his blonde companion (wife/girlfriend?) he probably thought it best not to respond!! (hee hee, I’m such a flirty minx!  )  As he was walking off though he did stop for a moment and say to Tim “you know where you’re going do you?” and there was a pause where I was so tempted to say “yes he’s coming back to my place!” but I restrained myself thankfully and Tim assured Rob that he knew – I’m assuming they were meeting up somewhere after the show. 
Anyway, we had a train to catch so we couldn’t wait for Humph which was a shame but we headed off to nearby Victoria tube station, accompanied by Sosia but as we were heading in different directions we had to part there without getting to chat much which was a shame.  It was nice to meet another fellow GROKer. 

Anyway, I hope my rambling didn’t bore you too much.  The evening was a great success and the humour of high standard so I can’t wait to hear the shows when they’re on the radio.

Carrie xxx

Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never

Nezangel, you're a star! Thanks for your write-up; you sound to have had a great time!
Posted by:Dobbin


date: 16/11/2006 18:06 GMT
Nezangel, you're a star! Thanks for your write-up; you sound to have had a great time!
Posted by:Dobbin


date: 16/11/2006 18:08 GMT
Two words....

You Minx!!!

I love those photos!

Farfunkels... hee hee I'd forgotten about that!  You had an ace time Carrie!  And those are two amazing photos - I love the one of you and Graeme especially - you both look really happy and relaxed (a nice collection of scarves there as well).
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 16/11/2006 20:34 GMT
"As we hugged he pulled back a bit and said with a grin, “ooh this is nice isn’t it?” to which I grinningly replied something like “it is indeed!” and we went back in for a closer hug and a small amount of back rubbing! (phwoar!)"

'Ello 'ello 'ello, what's all this then? That man's playing a dangerous game, he better mind how he goes!

I'll stop being silly now. Great write up and fantastic pics, thanks for sharing.


P.S. Farfunkels - tee hee!
Posted by:JessPix

JessPix WWW 

date: 17/11/2006 08:49 GMT
EEEP!  How great was that write up and how comfortable do you look in Graeme's arms   Very Noice!!  Good work Carrie its great to see you are keeping up with your minxy image .  OH and Phwoar on the Tim hug - i gotta get me one of those
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 17/11/2006 21:01 GMT
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