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Kel_13's Journal
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2006-11-04 11:57:02
New Zealand trip!
Hi ppl I been back a while but been busy gettin thing back in order after we got back so hee is a update: Monday 16th october we drive to sydney as we decided to get a flight from there as its cheaper and we stayed the night at a friends house and their daughter drove us to the airpoet the next morning at 5am so we had to be up early out flight left at 8:50 or sumthang so yeah Tuesday 17th october we fly into christchurch and get there at 4pm they are somthing like 3 hrs ahead coz they started daylight saving at the start of oct and wind thereclocks forward 2 hrs i think so that got to me while there, so we stayed the night at christchurch then wednesday 18th our hire car came then we travelled 5 hrs south and got to a place calledDunedin stayed the night and had a look around the next morning(thursday 19th) the ncontinued on south and got to Invercagill which was cold as!! i had to go buy a jacket as the 1 i had wasn't doing its job! so friday 20th morning before leaving invercagill our rent-a-car dies! so we have to call the company and they were kind enough to find as another rent a car in that town so after all that we continued onto queenstown  when we got into a motel we took a look around they have some wonderful sites there anyway saturday 21st we got up and went on a cable car ride up a mountain where they have a resturant up there so we took sum pix of the view form the top of queenstown which was heaps nice! then when back down and decided to head to a place 15mins away called arrowtown where they done some lord of the rings shooting there and we looked aronud and got some pix and that so from there we went back to queenstown into a place called deer park heights where more lord of the ringsshooting was done which was really awsome yes they do have deer on deer park heights as well as donkey's goats bison yak and whatever else and ucan feed em and some come up to the window of ur car which is frightenening so sunday we took a better look around shops and everything had lunch at the resturant on top of the mountain which was nice then monday 23rd we went ot the kiwi bird park which was interesting after that we seen some people out on the water on a paraflight ride and decided that we MUST do that so we did and when it was my turn the weather  was gettin abit windy so here i was 600 ft in the air and blowin around like rubbish in the wind! it was awsome though!! so tuesday the 24th morning we headed back to christchurch to have a better look around there then wed25th we went to the cookie facoty which was cool and were getting depressed as we had to leave for back to sydney the next day soall up the holiday was awsome and Amy seemed to enjoy it all too its a place id definatly go back to! and  recommend to anyone!

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