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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
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2006-11-03 03:57:54
ISIHAC Southport
Here we go then...

I got up ridiculously early on Sunday morning... I knew there was somewhere I was supposed to go to.... oh yes!  Preston.  I was off to see Spev. 

When I got to Spevs', she took me on a tour of some of her local supermarkets - we visited 3!  And then we headed into Preston City (or Town to be more precise) to pick up someone from the station... ah yes it was Jess!

We returned to Spev’s for a quick picnic lunch and then introduced Jess to 'Man From UNCLE' (Thrush!)  After this we collected Spev's nephew (Tom) and headed to his place in Southport so he could get ready for a night out... where were we going to go though?

We settled for the theatre and what better than a convenient recording of 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue'?  Excellent.  So we picked up Tom's ticket and went to the pub.


After this we decided that going to the theatre would be a good plan and joined the hordes of people getting to their seats.  We were lucky to be 2nd row (well Spev was technically first row - Southport has unusual seating plans) opposite Tim and in front of Barry and Graeme. 

Tom's "restricted viewing" seat happened to be at the front of a new level of seats that had a nice view of the whole stage.  We think the restricted viewing is from it being so far back.

And so the lights dimmed and Jon Naismith took centre stage to warm up the audience in his own way and to introduce Colin, Humph and the teams (‘on my right Graeme Garden and Barry Cryer and on my left… Tim Brooke - Taylor and Jeremy Hardy’).  Jeremy was the special guest (I had actually half suspected it as he is very popular on the show and also going to be on tour when the next recordings take place… I think).  I was very pleased – I think Jeremy is a brilliant comedian and definitely earns a place in amongst the greats!

The two shows were excellent!  The second better (and slightly more political – especially Jeremy who was very clever!) than the first I think.  There were a lot of new rounds tried out (‘Pin the Tail on Colin’- hilarious) and the second Cheddar Gorge letter… well if it’s cut out of the final edit, I shall not be amused!

Tim and Jeremy were very cheeky during the ‘pick up song’ and on ‘song to the tune of another’ rounds – especially during Graeme’s ‘Brown Girl in the Ring’… that was sick Brooke – Taylor!  Sick but funny.

Tim was looking very striking in his blue jacket he wore in Edinburgh and a white shirt with blue vertical stripes; he did a very nice peeling of the jacket off twice – the first time suggestively in time to a stripper theme (think ‘Broaden Your Mind’ and the sketch ‘Do you know why Policemen are called peelers?’) and the second time was actually taking the coat off owing to the extreme heat coming from the second row on Graeme’s side and not so much heat from the rest of the audience.  Graeme was looking very suave in a blue shirt – he suits blue and purple.  I should maybe pay a bit more attention lol. 

Poor Humph was suffering from a cold and had a bad cough but he carried the show so well (as usual) and he was in great form.  He’s the only chairman for the show! 

So after a lot of laughter – I was in so much pain (as was the vast majority of the audience there I suspect)!  The show ended and we three headed to the stage door (it had been a while since I last embarrassed myself (unintentionally mind) there).  Barry was already there, lighting up, and we didn’t disturb him.  However a group of lads were nearer him and Barry seemed more than happy to sign autographs for them and then make his way over to us.  Barry asked me my name and I said ‘PJ’ so he wrote ‘To PJ from BC’ – funny!

Graeme emerged next (I think) and was coming down the stairs at the stage door say us and did a ‘hello’ of complete recognition and I did a silly wave and a hello back.  He was intercepted by the cunning lads who had placed themselves well.  But he soon came over to us and said hello and I had the briefest of chats because there were other people wanting autographs and like I said to Graeme after he said ‘surely you have mine [autograph] already?’ I do have it several times – imagine that.

Humph had already been stopped by the group of lads when Tim came out of the stage door, saw me and Jess and said ‘now those are two girls I recognise’.  I can’t think what he means.  Tim managed to bypass the lads and come over to us and say ‘hi’ properly before he was pulled into another group of fans - Jess and I sneaked behind him! 

Humph then came over to us and I asked him for his autograph which he very kindly did and as he was asking me my name, Tim started talking to me – highly distracting!  Jess managed to get Tim away to the wall and he whispered things in her ear while I (feeling like I was being a bit rude towards Humph – sorry, he is a true gent) got my autograph from him and he moved to the next ‘pack’.

Tim came back and the hugs started with Spev, then Jess and finally me.  Well I wasn’t going to miss out on it – I’d needed one of these for a long time.  God knows what I said to Tim after ‘could I have a hug as well please?’ but, like my last exploit at Southport Theatre, it was probably very suggestive!  When we pulled out of the hug we did share a bit of eye contact – he does have nice eyes. 

It was sadly time for them to go (they were off to a meal – one of the many things I overheard Jon Naismith saying) and the taxis were waiting.  We said goodbye and Graeme thanked us again for the scrapbooks saying ‘Kirstyn made mine’ I added that Kirstyn sent her love and was really sorry she couldn’t make it that night which he smiled at.

They then left and headed on to their meal with Tim (who had been discussing us with someone and pointing at us) waving as they left and me and Jess waving back.

We then headed for the pub – much cuddled and very happy with sore sides from laughing.


The rest of the weekend will follow later

Mood - Yawn yawn yawnity yawn consider me knackered
Music - Silence... well keyboard typing
Edited - Never

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