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daftbird's Journal
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2006-10-24 21:16:59
you can watch the year go by on the use-by date on the eggs
Monday, October 23, 2006
you can watch the year go by on the use-by date on the eggs

Not a song title or lyric for once. Just an observation.

Sitting here feeling rather premenstrual and somewhat depressed and don't even have any chocolate about the place. If there were any chocolate about the place it wouldn't be that way for long , even though it makes me sick.

Was waiting all afternoon to hear of test results for my dog...not the miniature poodle whom I once gave the alias of Keith...instead I refer to the large table-like structure that is my labrador... he can have an alias as well...what about...uummmm..Steve ( ) . The last time I rang the vet was around 5pm to be told that I have to ring back in the morning. The call previous to that I was told that his problem could possibly be 1. an infection or 2. that his body has tumours throughout it. Brilliant.

So it makes you think - so if it's tumours - Can anything be done? Do you spend your savings getting him help ? Would they come back? They always say that pessimists cope better with this sort of thing because they work out all the bad scenarios in their heads and then mentally prepare themselves. I lost the little blind bubble of optimism years ago. Maybe when I was younger I would've thought: Don't worry! it'll be fine! . So in other words I'm thinking about the worst and it's not very happifying. In fact it's not very good at all.

Went out to give "Keith" his dinner tonight and he did his usual follow me down the steps, then run up and down the steps 3 times, then run up the steps, stop, look at me, then run down to eat as fast as he can before "Steve" finishes his dinner and then moves on to Keith's. Except tonight Steve wasn't there. He wasn't here today either to get in my way and sit right under the clothesline. He wasn't there to jump up at the backdoor and nearly knock me down when I brought the food out. There was no Steve to waste sarcastic comments on - "So Steve, never seen food before". "Oh you poor thing, you mustn't have eaten for at least a week!". And just plain rude comments :"Oh, WHY are so fat!". "Oh, get your big tail out of the way, wouldya!", "You're a beast!"."Stop eating the pegs!", "You're a pig, not a dog". Well you get the general idea.

The fact is that I love that rotten fat labrador but I didn't know quite how much until today.

Mood - worried
Music - daytime nightime suffering -paul mccartney
Edited - Never

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