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urban_spacegirl's Journal
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2006-10-06 00:10:40
La Belle France (or something)
I've been in France for about three weeks now and am having a blast.  Admittedly, the first few days were complete Hell as it's difficult enough trying to register at uni and find your accommodation and all that palaver in English, let alone in a country where you don't know what they're saying; they don't know what you're saying and the whole thing is a great big confused mess. That is no longer the case (kind of) and I have met lots of lovely people (who speak English, sorry but it's fun to be able to understand people when you're having a conversation) and am settling in very well indeed. 
Uni hasn't actually started yet - I spent today trying to register in classes and decide what I wanted to do and to realise what it is that I have to do and all that nonsense.  Back home in Edinburgh, they just give you your timetable and that's that - it's a lot more difficult here. 
This means, however, that the past three weeks have just involved going out almost every night and sleeping all day - this is the life.  I often forget that I'm actually here for a reason and I think next week is going to hit us all like a ton of bricks.  We've done  a variety of nights out so far  (a 'variety' to our little minds, at least).  We've been to an Irish pub and drank Snakebite and eaten kebabs (ahhhh, just like home) and we've drank (very very expensive) mojitos in The Most Exclusive Bar In Town (believe me, this place is awesome) and we've sat outside on a warm evening drinking wine and talking until the early hours.  Yes, I am having an awesome time. 
The other day, my ticket for Clue arrived in me room (nosebleed seats, but hey, at least i'm going) however, Iùve yet to actually book my train/plane home, but that hasn't stopped me from getting excited at the prospect.  That and David Mitchell and Robert Webb!  Oh yes! How am I managing to contain my excitement?
I also received a rather exciting, lovely and marvellous parcel from a certain someone which contained certain somethings (*cough*goodydvds*cough*) which makes going back to my little cell-like room much more exciting. (If a little off-putting and I'm not sure how I'll be able to concentrate when I start uni...  )
I have found a Pizza Hut so we're going there tonight and then out on the piss (personally, although I can't bank on anyone else, I intend to drink to forget the fact that Graeme and Tim are doing Brighton tonight and that if I was in Britain I would, most likely, be there) Roll on Sunderland, that's what I say.

Mood - Good
Music - Mull of Kintyre
Edited - Never

Dude I'm glad you're getting on well in la France (un point) I knew you'd have a blast once you get out there!

*Sigh* Brighton - didn't make it as you might have guessed but hey we'll be seeing them soon and we don't want to come across as stalkers!

I never thought I be so excited to go to Sunderland again...

Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 06/10/2006 01:45 GMT
Methinks after Graeme's interview with that Hayley chick the other day that with regard to you Kristyn - that you have PULLED!!  I am eager to hear how Brighton went for those fans that attended (Carrie) but rest assureds that Gramee will be waiting for you at the next Clue recording   ( I could really use a Timbo cuddle right about now  myself   )
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 06/10/2006 17:47 GMT
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