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Kel_13's Journal
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2006-09-29 12:47:45
Dear Goodie journal
just needed to get a little somthing off my chest that ha been a little bothering My bestie's work place is been repaired so she has not worked since the end of august i thought that was bad for her but then maybe we can spend some time doing stuff as we never really got to as she was working so much and what not but i have not seen her since my wedding 3 weeks ago and i know it works both ways but i have issues with her boyfriend so i won't go see her i know its silly but i just don't like some of the things he has done and now because of him and all i hardly see her because she told me its one of those things she had to sacrifice to be with him :'( which is hardly fair i have already lost 2 other friends 1 decided that drugs were more important and the other decided to hell with us i have party's and party drugs which are better! She is a great person and i hate for anything to happen to our friendship

Mood - peeved
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Edited - Never

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