Yes, in a forum full of journals on angst, unemployment, homelessness and crap families (I have one too ) I'm doing the "Eh?" guide to soya milk. I've consulted the the highest authority* in the land and it's Alpro that tastes like milky bars and Holland and Barrett tastes normal in tea, I'm awaiting test results on So Good.
*I.e. my Mum, after taking HRT waaay longer than she should the Dr's taking her off so shes got a zillion soya products and several cartons of soya milk on the go! HRT cake is dead nice, so I'll stick that up as soon as I can nick the recipe cos I want a copy too. My Mum's version is different as instead of malt extract she's put honey in and put in glace ginger instead of root ginger as these ingredients are too dear.