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prunatic's Journal
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2006-09-23 23:18:26
I'll take both of you on!
Oooh lots of entries how long til I get bored?

Listened to Curse of the Flying Wombat part 11 this week, convinced the makers of Lost have ripped it off, based on my knowledge of not bothering to watch Lost.

Taped part 2 of Folk Britainia not so bothered about missing part one now. Know why Bill is less than fond of folk music now in Hype Pressure(sure thats the wrong title, so don't kill me).

Watched THE FALL doc on BBC2 last night, which was like a shot in the arm of something very potent, for two reasons; earlier shouting at Jonathon Ross to get on w/ it and get to the punchline and being slower that Frost in introducing guests and boring me and reminding me of the Fall itself. Why oh, why the Fall aren't the 2nd biggest band in the world I don't know.
I didn't find the doc particually informative, I know it all anyway, but I would say it was a good doc cos unlike Folk Britania after watching the show I'm sure someone who didn't know what the fall sounded like before would and for me as a fan it was fascinating seeing all the old moving footage of members only ever seen in fuzzy b/w photos and what people look like now. I wanted to listen to the fall at the end, and best of all the newest stuff which reafirmed that M.E.S still has it. Unfortunately I'd got the best of Bob Marley out of the library so I had to listen to that which, fortunately, was a good move as it calmed me down. Drugs music night! Shame no sign of the Smile footage from Perverted by Lang vid you can feel the atmoshere, woo totally evil.

What's this got to do with the Goodies, ahah, you just thought it was a piece on The Fall! Well, since getting in to the Goodies/ISIRTA I find that I'll be walking around town or whatever and a Goodies song or a sketch will come in to my head or I'll use appropriately "Goody" words and phrases. With the Fall I feel that so many of Mark E Smith's words and phrases have become fused and have become a part of me. It's also good cheap armour. I don't understand why depressed people listen to depresing music (I do but it's not a good idea and that happy music can be just as depressing to the melancolic), listen to the fall its fighting music to fight it and anyone or anything else off, plus it is pure witchcraft.

Digression: You can skip this. I taped 'Hex Enduction Hour for a poor boy I used to know after the depressing songs he wanted and he was less than impressed, which shows how much I know! Bet he still looks like he's going to top himself at any minute, a shame as he's a very sweet boy, sadly lacking in confidence, reminds me of the Slits song "He's boy, he's very thin, don't like himself very much, set on self destruct" (more spliffs than any heroin tho' which have slowed him already which is also sad)

With the Goodies, I listened to their albums for a week solid, nowt else - rare for me, every day cos I was going to see a play that looked that like it was going to be depressing, cos I knew half the cast (and the audience it turned out!) and I didn't want to be tipped in to a state I wasn't in 2 hours before! I didn't get all melancolic so the Goodies must have done the job! Back to the start I said the fall I said watching the doc was like a shot in the arm and watching the Goodies does the same for me, making me want to run around the house, except I have happier feelings, it'd be a crap comedy otherwise wouldn't it?! Not to mention bloody scarey if the thrills were exactely the same for the two

Yeah, so the Goodies and The Fall always different, always the same.

Mood -
Music - Bis
Edited - Never

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