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2006-09-22 18:44:21
use the soap
todays whiney blog...

Friday, September 22, 2006
use the soap

Why not write it today. I said in the comments of the previous post that I hate dishwashers and that the subject could have a post all of it's own one day ( even though it's obviously unworthy of such attention).

I really and truly believe them to be a hateful appliance.

I used to work as a nanny housekeeper in big houses and of course they had dishwashers and I was expected to use them - oh, except when there were horrible things to scrub such as big pots and pans and griller things and other assorted awful items.

This is what annoys me about dishwashers - it annoys me even to write it. YOU'VE GOT TO RINSE THEM OFF BEFORE PUTTING THEN IN THERE. It's ridiculous when you think of it.

And then of course you've got to load the ghastly thing, this thing here and that thing there. It takes for freaking ever to go through the myriad of cycles that it goes through. Need one of those plates in there? Well that's tough.

By the time you load a dishwasher you'd have the things done by hand.

You get the things out and they're still wet -yes, some of them are. There's yucky condensation in there and at some point you've got to clean out the dishwasher. Oh, how off.

And in order to be able to wash up more things YOU'VE GOT TO GET ALL THE STUFF OUT THAT'S ALREADY IN THERE!!! Oh, it's all so tedious and painful.

The old-fashioned way -quick rinse, do the glasses, cutlery, crockery, pots,(I'm a rinse the suds off as you go person), within 10 minutes it's all done. Let it drip dry and put away before bed or first thing in the morning. And the dishes feel clean.

If I had a house full of kids who made a mountain of dishes I'd make them do the washing up.

I have not been able to fully convey how I feel about dishwashers - but a good word to use would be erksome. I find them erksome.

Don't get me started about fabric softener in the laundry.

Mood - need to do the ironing
Music - freeze frame - j.geils band
Edited - Never

I've had a dishwasher in past life and I liked it, becaused I could put the stuff in there for however many days before I had to set it going. (I had heaps of crockery.) I know it sounds a bit gross, btu I'm not a disciplined dishwasher and at least they were out of the way, waiting ot be washed!

Without a dishwasher, I'm a wash, rinse and drip-dry person myself. It's a great way to do it! Just did a run prior to getting on the computer tonight...they're drip-drying even now!

By the way, I love "Freeze Frame" (and "Come On Eileen", for that matter.) I was rollerskating, back in my high school days, and Come On Eileen was playing. It kinda gets faster and faster at one bit near the end and I kept skating faster and faster and nearly fell over. Funny the things one remembers!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 28/09/2006 23:36 GMT
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