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prunatic's Journal
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2006-09-20 23:19:18
Well, finally got out of the house and went to for the first time to Asda finally, please don’t think I’m boasting about my Pepsi Max lifestyle. I found Asda clothes to be expensive and the food was quite pricey too. With all the tales of Wal-Mart (will misspelling save me from a lawsuit?) abusing their workers rights and paying workers and suppliers etc a pittance I would have thought Asda would be cheaper, but no. Ikea sells overpriced tat too. Best thing about Asda is how they put unhealthy ready meals next to fruit and veg, I found it funny.

Did ‘Are you depressed quiz?’ on msn and thought it would say how sane/happy I am and it told me to go see a Dr!  People are always telling me how sane I am too. Well, I am tired, things do take ages to do cos I can’t type fast and this computer is slow and my life is going nowhere, but I’ve got a load of Goodies episodes to watch on the video backlog and a great 1970’s wallpaper dress and the twin of my thermos turned up on ‘Heartbeat’ (I thought it was 70’s, less happy now(!), 69’s near enough!) But not the first part of Folk Britania as I stuffed up, bah, so I watched half of that doc on suspected child abuse in the Orkneys, we did a bit on it at uni so it was interesting to see what happened and get interviews with the people involved, so I got that and Hamish and Dougal in a blender to go at and tidy out the cupboards.

Stuff to muck around on if you're bored
Which Goodie are you? I thought I would be Graeme but I’m Bill. Most people are apparently
Whatever I’m doing, wherever I am I’m always in front of the telly at 4:15. It’s the only thing worth watching at the mo’ and I’ve printed off the rhubarb crumble (nearly!) recipe. The rhubarb in our garden has survived next door’s hired tree trimming idiots jumping over our wall with out asking and crushing it all. The state of Britain today…..
It may just be a load of Dr Who video reviews but I love it, even if they think Peter Davison was too young to be the Dr, they seem to like Tennant, hmm. Don’t read in a public place or you might end up laughing out loud.

I prefer clapped out DW to the new stuff. The last new series made me crave 1960’s Who, you can‘t beat a bit of Pat ‘n‘ Jamie action.
Milky way adverts and BBC & ITV idents ahoy!
It’s been mentioned before on the forums. The site is full of loads of radio shows if the parent directory lets you in. Stick w/ it, it always gives in eventually, after a couple of days.
Poor old Gorky’s, sniff.
As people going “men prefer women w/ curves,” annoys me, better than ITV daytime‘s ‘Loose Women‘(!). Nowt to do with Gordon Ramsey, phew.
I’ve never been to their disco, I’d go if was in London. If you’re like me read the ‘zine on line instead and if you like that ask them if they’ve got any copies of the Pamzine left - one of the best ‘zines I’ve ever read and they only charged a stamp, fools! Very witty.
Save the whale and er everything else w/ an e-mail.
Could be useful for those that feel simultaneously naughty and benevolent.
Click on planet placement & have endless fun finding out your moon (and other planets) sign, old gray bags (in leo: showbiz! (on T & B’s birth date  the sign changes in the middle so there’s a choice of two, tut), friends, rels and exs and then do big searches on the web for what it all means.

Yes, Taurus is the sign that rules carpets.
No doubt you’re all thinking I’m a big astrology nut, when in fact I only found this looking for the addy for the above page to paste in here, astrology is great to trawl the net for when bored or in need of a ego boost and then I started hunting for sites that said negative things!!!

I digress, this is good because it does your natal chart and then gives you explanations about what it means and a 6 month forecast. It only lets you do 4 charts for free. I’ve done one for my Mum and I’m going to give it to her for her birthday, along with proper presents in case you‘re thinking what a tight-wad! She’s a Scorpio and they’re astro-mad.

I however appear to be supermarket mad!

Mood -
Music - Radio 3 - posh!
Edited - Never

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