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nezangel's Journal
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2006-09-17 19:48:17
Even Nelson was dancing!
Well, I went to the Scissor Sisters concert last night - WOW!  It was absolutely fantastic, they were excellent.  I apologise here if I go on and on about it but I fell in love with the whole band - I used to like them a lot, now I adore them completely!  Oh and before I forget to mention it, they were introduced to the stage by Kylie! 
They are such a fabulous live act, Jake is the perfect front man and great singer, Ana is his beautiful sidekick with a great voice, Babydaddy is the cuddliest guitarist in the world, Paddy is ultra sexy & a damn good drummer, Del - oh wow Del, he impressed me so much with his guitar playing, several times when he was playing solo riffs (or whatever you call em!), I just closed my eyes and let the music take me - it was heavenly!  And of course I can't miss out my favourite, JJ (Graeme's son) - that man is so talented, he plays keyboard to perfection & his bass guitar playing rocks!  He's looks so much like his dad did as a younger man too, (i.e. absolutely gorgeous & sexy!!) its quite unnerving! And he was dressed all in black except for the most fabby red boots i've ever seen - I want them! 

Anyway, I'm in the process of uploading the vids & pics I took on my camera - taking a while as I'm on dial-up - but I'll keep editing this journal and adding the links as and when they're available, for anyone who cares to see them.  Most of the pics didn't come out that well really but 1 or 2 are ok and the sound on the vids is very distorted as it was so loud but hopefully it'll give you an idea of what it was like to actually be there.  I was on such a high that I didn't go to bed til half 3 in the morning (I chatted to Jess on msn all night - poor girl must be sick of the words Scissor Sisters!!) 

Anyway, here's the first batch of links, I'll update as and when I get more online:

A picture which captures the whole band including JJ:

One of Jake Shears when he's singing 'Mary':

A video clip of 'I Don't Feel Like Dancin':¤t=ScissorSistersConcert021.flv

A vid clip of 'Kiss You Off':¤t=ScissorSistersConcert016.flv

A bit of a daft pic here, Nelson's column lit up in red:

Hee hee - don't laugh but here's one of me & my bloke Jon:

I'll be back to add more soon, in the meantime I'm off to get myself a much needed coffee!

Right, I'm back to add another video and there may be more - I may as well keep them in this one journal but just add them as and when my dial up manages to get them uploaded.
This one is a bit of Comfortably Numb I believe:¤t=ScissorSistersConcert019.flv

And the end to 'Mary' with beautiful guitar playing by Del Marquis:¤t=ScissorSistersConcert017.flv

Brief clip of I Don't Feel Like Dancin' (someone in front of me kept getting their arm in the way...grrrr!):¤t=ScissorSistersConcert022.flv

Yes I'm sure you're all sick of seeing these pics/vids now but I'm still excited about it so here's a couple more pics for you. 

Kylie on the big screen:

The stage a few hours before the concert:

I've got a really long vid clip from the last song of the evening (Filthy Gorgeous) but it'll take me hours to upload it (I think its worth it though as the extra dancers on stage are hilarious!) so I'll upload it when I know I'm going to be online for ages.

bye for now,
nezangel x

Mood - Still on a high & in love with the Scissor Sisters
Music - In my head: Kiss You Off - SS (from the new album)
Edited -

AAAAAHHHHH!  How bloody close to the stage were you.  It  looks like you could have touched JJ   .  The pictures are really great - you are very attractive , no wonder Graeme went in for  the cheek to cheek picture . Did Jon like the concert.  You both look like you were having a really good time.  More importantly did you hang out to get autographs (or phone number )
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 17/09/2006 21:37 GMT
Ah, the wonders of zoom on cameras - I wasn't too far from the stage but not as close as it looks on the pics.  We both enjoyed the concert very much thanks but I'm the true fan of the pair of us so I loved it a whole lot more!  
I didn't notice where they would be signing autographs and it was all a bit mental with people moving out of the square at the end so I didn't get any autographs or phone numbers unfortunately
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 17/09/2006 22:14 GMT
Wow! It looks and sounds like you had a fantastic time.
Posted by:Sosia


date: 18/09/2006 01:00 GMT
Wow Nez- how cool!  Looks like a great concert- you're so lucky!!!  Why did they want you all to wear red out of interest?

Your pics are all great
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 18/09/2006 06:24 GMT
The concert was in support of a new charity (to help AIDS sufferers in Africa) called Red so everyone was encouraged to wear that colour - most people obliged too, it was great!  I still haven't totally calmed down since the concert - it was a wonderful experience!
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 18/09/2006 07:13 GMT
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