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nezangel's Journal
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2005-04-02 22:20:05
Thank Goody it's Saturday!!
Well it's been a while since I last made a journal entry so I thought I'd better say something - still want that badge!! 
Speaking of badges, it's a bit odd but I have the topic starter badge & i've only ever started 1 topic - and that was today, & i've had the badge a while now!!  Anyway, I'm not complaining, it's one more badge on the way to World Domination, although I suspect Zaphod won't be handing any of those out.  Mind you, considering I am your leader (see bottom of my posts) I reckon I should be entitled   
I'm also after the opinionated one, I reckon I'm pretty close on that!! 
Nice sunny Saturday today, shame I live in a tiny flat with no garden but we're looking at a place to rent on Monday with a garden so fingers crossed it'll be a nice place.
Currently surfing & doing sod all else but boyfriends sister is coming round tomorrow so I must start trying to tidy the bombsite which is my home!! Trouble is it would take a week to get it half way decent, I hate housework!! 
Whilst surfing I'm listening to My Station on LaunchCast Yahoo, it's a great idea.  For those unfamiliar you create a station & rate songs/albums/artists & it plays your favourites & ones which you might like too, it's great, once I've finished & get to the mood/music bit at the bottom I'll let you know which song it's playing for me at that time.
It's my brother's birthday today - I only ever see him at Christmas, he's in the RAF & I live miles away from him & the rest of my family so don't see them much.  Bit of a bummer but that's life for you!!
Oh well I can't think of anything else to say so I'll leave you all in peace.

Mood - Sunny & Chilled!!
Music - Franz Ferdinand - Come On Home
Edited - Never

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