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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
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2006-09-15 05:05:09
Let It Alll Slide
"It's time to draw the line,
To draw it fine
Why do you never know
Time to let it go
Time to move aside
And let it slide"

~'Let It Slide' Tim Rice-Oxley, Keane (

I know there's been a bit of a thing on GROK recently and this is aimed at NO-ONE!  Sorry just want to make that clear so I don't accidently offend anyone- this has absolutely no reference to anyone on this site. 

This chorus has struck a bell with me recently with a few things in my life and the entire song is so good for me; been getting a few things sorted in the last month or so and I have dealt with them in a completely different manner to how I used to. 

I'm a feircely loyal person- it's not always a good thing.  At school it was a case of you betray me (even over petty things) and that's it. 

An example of one thing I've let slide- recently I have been used and abused by some right prats who almost f*cked up my degree and as a result of their ineptitude caused me a lot of stress, embarrassment and gave me a degree result that I disappointed with.  They still don't know what they almost cost me and they had the indecency to be very patronising and rude about me (they've never met me) and my work  and I had to draw the line. 

I was doing well, trying to do the work for free out of the goodness of my heart and I could cope for a while but finally the rudest email I have ever read (that I wasn't supposed to see either) was it for me.  Instead of going in all guns blazing (like I normally would) and telling them the whole truth and also giving them a bit of a wake up call (the main person is a COMPLETE idiot), I handed in my resignation and stepped away.  I can get paid to be used and abused and I'd much rather do that.  So finally I knew when to move on and I let it slide.

I feel so much better for it.

The Goodies in Edinburgh also made me feel a lot better- the eye of this storm was the book signing in Edinburgh and although all I wanted was a Tim hug all weekend, I was able to just go to the show and meet the guys again and that made me feel so good.  Especially when my dad got all excited over the fact that Tim recognised me... (he thought I'd only been to the show 3 times at that point... In fact mum and dad still think I've only been to 4 shows when actually I've been to 10 - a fact I'm embarrassed about and that Graeme seemed quite chuffed about)  In fact. bless my dad, he recognised John Pinder before I even pointed him out- I must have mentioned the legendary glasses a couple of times.

I also want to say (even though he won't read this but I'm writing now and I want to write this somewhere) *hugs* and good luck to Tom from Keane who is sorting out some major problems in life and I hope he does well.  I wish him all the best- we all make mistakes.  That's why we're human.

In fact I don't know if there are many Keane fans on here but if you're into poetry you should look into Keane because their sound might not be for you but their lyrics are amazing.  They are mostly written by Tim Rice-Oxley (who is a beautiful man; seriously he has the most amazing eyes ever!  He also has an amazing character and if I could find a bloke half way like him then I would be so happy).

Keane consists of Tim R-O (who is the most energetic pianist I have ever seen), Tom (singer with only one set of clothes and resembles a taller and chubbier version of Frodo Baggins) and the hottie Richard (yes I fancy him) who is the drummer.  And that's it- no guitar although Tim plays bass on album tracks.  The music is keyboard driven and is so different to anything else I've heard.  It's filled a gap in my love and life of music that I never knew I had.

It's my Grandad's 80th Birthday today and we're arranging a surpirse birthday for him on Saturday.  My mum and two aunts have been flapping around about invites and are now stressing about who stays where!  Sod it all; it's too much hassle- there's no need to stress about it.  Talk about being used and abused for free; they're all picking on me as well as though it's all my fault somehow!  Doh!

Had the scariest drive home tonight- 40 mins through a thunderstorm that followed me home!  Some lighting flashed right in front of the car- I never knew it ended in globes.  I don't know why I'm so calm about it, I almost wet myself from the shock!  Gillian (boss) and me both jumped in shock when some lighting struck one of her barns and then the thunder cracked immediately!  Not nice.  Cricklewood cheered me up though.

Wow, this is a bit long- congratulations if you've made it this far.

I'm going to sign off this random post and say cheery bye

ooh but I listened to the Curse of the Wombat series last night- talk about talented Timbo!

Mood - Calm calm calmity calm consider me mellow
Music - Let it Slide- Keane soon to be ISIRTA
Edited - Never

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