Unless it's Ready Break which seems to be made out of sweepings(not even whole oats!) and thats after I've added extra sugar/honey/toffee sauce/anything it still tasts disgusting. Quaker oats are nice but overpriced, bog standerd oats taste just the same.
So here's my cheap and tasty receipe:
Ingredients: 1 cheap bag of porridge oats (40p/1$) Crunchy Nut Cornflakes(not so cheap but essential!) Dried fruit Boring cereal(eg anything bran based is great; Fruit and Fibre, All-bran, or sub-musli; Morrisons Healthy Balence, Special K Medly (Normal Special K/Nestle Fitness are just squashed rice crispies! What a con and wouldn't work in porridge)etc. Water/Milk A swirl of cream(optional)
A bowl A spoon A Microwave
1. Get bowl, put small amout of water in bottom, to stop that dried lump of oats occuring at the bottom of the bowl after microwaving, add just enough oats to cover water.
2. Add Crunchy Nuts, then either add boring cereal or just put extra crunchy nuts in. Crush large flakes down w/ spoon. Add dried fruit, I love sultanas personally, if a load hasn't fallen out of the fruit and fibre. Add another layer of oats.
3. Pour milk/water on covering the whole mixture. Stir well.
4. Put in microwave on full power for a minute (800w).
5. Stir. Add swirl of cream to decorate if so desired. Still very tasty w/out milk and cream, believe me. Eat!
Or just mix the crunchy nuts w/ the bran flakes and add raisins.