Bondgirl - you ,my friend, are worthy of a journal entry all your own. It will hereby be announced that Bondgirl,resident poster of questionable emails (haha), once believed Boy George to be a girl.
(bondy, you are so funny)
If you had reached this conclusion after viewing recent footage of him with broom in hand it would be quite understandable. What was he doing with that broom? Community service? I did find it amusing that there was a media presence while he swept. Frig, they can come and watch me while I sweep if they like. It would provide some distraction from the tedious chore and it would be fun telling them to bugger off, just as George did.
Bondgirl - you thought he was a girl and I thought he was straight - hahaha. My Dad saw him on telly and said:"oh he's queer", in the way of the enlightened country male. I said: no he's not Dad, he just likes to dress up and wear make-up to look nice.
Naive little country girl. I even collected pictures of him.What an idiot .
Mood - really deluded
Music - above title in my head now, bugger it all
Mistaking Boy George for a girl is really quite understandable (trying to convience myself , you would have thought the Boy at the beginning of his name may have been a clue or even the name George DOH!! ) , he was soooo pretty and had such lovely long hair . I think we were both naive little country girls Dafty although I never collected pictures of him -shame job - hehehehe