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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
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2006-08-18 07:21:00
Goodies Still Rule Ok- Round 2
Whoops I only meant to stay for two nights and ended up being talked into 3 nights (not that that was tooo difficult). 

I love the show and it's great that I'm still laughing genuinely- I'd stop going if I wasn't.

Highlight:  Tuesday Show

Just me and Kirstyn this time and we were both a bit nervous that the guys would think us mad or not possibly remember us. 

All that was put to rest when Tim and Graeme arrived in a taxi at the same time.  Kirstyn and I attempted to be inconspicious...

PJ/ Kirstyn: It's them!!
PJ: [raises bottle of water and panics slightly] It's Strathmore!  It's Strathmore!  It's Strathmore
Kirstyn: I used to live in Strathclyde!

Yes, we were that good.

We could, at this point, still see Graeme chatting to someone and thinking Tim had gone into the theatre we relaxed a little and looked in Graeme's direction a little...

... suddenly from behind a pillar this head appears at an angle; a big grin on the face.  It's Tim.  He gets our attention and waves, we wave back and Graeme rolls his eyes at Tim and waves as well.

The second these guys are in the theatre, we burst into laughter which lasts for 15 mins- we are in pain and can't breathe and the family behind us (i.e. the rest of the queue at that point) are completely oblivious!

Certainly put me and Kirstyn at rest a bit.

We also Ronnie Corbertt as he went to the show that night and we almost stood on him when he stood in the way!

Also saw the hottie that is Max from Neighbours.

More on the visit later- sorry!

Mood - Woo HOOOOO
Music - I'm A Teapot
Edited - Never

Come on Peej - tell us the rest of your adventures in Edinburgh!  (Yes OK I know I was there for some of the time but the Aussie's are depending on you!)
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 22/08/2006 04:36 GMT
hee hee I know!

I shall write more tomorrow just need to get on with the Bill scrapbook for now - I know how bad I am at writing these things down sometimes but I have read your fantastic account and am inspired to write my account tomorrow!

Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 22/08/2006 05:50 GMT
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