Well this is a chnage for me - today I'm going to copy my blog into the goodies journal instead of the other way around. This is called: adding variety to my life.
Got 3 more messages from complete tossers today. You know what? I just DON'T WANT TO KNOW that I can get it up in 19, 20, or 21 minutes. Nor do I want to purchase any product by the name of SPERMENHANCER, you WANKERS!!!!!! . I'm female and DON'T HAVE AN APPENDAGE of that nature. And even if I did I still wouldn't buy these ridiculously named products, you tosspots. What are they thinking - who sells this stuff. Or more to the point,(pun intended or not? -you be the judge) who buys it? . I wish they'd all just bugger off. Selling this stuff. Guess they've got to fill in the 20 minutes somehow .
Mood - hungry for tea, but don't fancy cooking
Music - the above title - elton john
YEAH!! You know what really gets up my nose (apart from the obvious ) tellymarketers who ring at dinner time and are operating out of somewhere like India OR the ones that are computer generated voices where you don't get to speak to a real live person unless you want to order what ever crap they are pushing. I wish they would take my Frickin' phone number off their frinckin list!!!! So there
I just remembered another one! I have one of these funny ethnic multi-part surnames... it's always fun when some git in Pakistan is trying to get me to change my credit card limit/phone plan and he keeps calling me really weird things because he obviously can't tell where my first name stops and my last name starts.
Centrelink's just as bad - they sent letters to "Dear Ms Van", saying I was getting an extra payment of $0.00. I marked them 'not known at this address' and returned them - oh God what a mess THAT caused...
Jodie, you crack me up. Mrs Van- is that kombi or panel? Bondy, ask them to take you off their data base and then they can't ring you again or they're breaking the law. Brilliant . I don't even let them get a word in - straight away say "please remove my details from your data base. goodbye". Otherwise you're stuck there for 20 mins at the most inconvenient time and it drives you mad - arrggghhhh!!! .