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daftbird's Journal
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2006-07-31 13:19:43
suspended in time
Music confession time again - on the weekend I bought a copy of the Xanadu soundtrack on CD. It wasn't enough just to own it on vinyl.(I love Gene Kelly )At the same time got Radiohead's O.K. Computer - 2 reasons - it was years overdue and was only $8.94 at Big W. Anyway, who cares about that. Oh, another confession - got triple Partridge family DVD. Showing age here.

Speaking of age -post birthday self-examination. The older I get the more mental I become. It's true. But the thing about birthdays is that they make you clarify things. So here is a list of very important things I've sorted out over the different stages of this life so far...

* If you wander off and sit under a horse in the paddock and your mother has to search everywhere for you she won't be impressed. She just won't.

*If you climb up on top of your parents wardrobe and in the process of jumping on to their bed you break their bed you will get a hiding . That's a given. Not only that but the friends waiting in line for their turn from the wardrobe will be disappointed

*If your mother asks you to get the curtains down she doesn't mean with a pair of scissors

*If you squeeze a blackhead it makes a pimple

*Whisky tastes quite good

*George Harrison was the loveliest Beatle

*The heart is a treacherous thing - but everyone has worked that out

*Writing life lessons is quite silly

*There's nothing like a good sunny day

*There's nothing like a good rainy day

*There's nothing like life

Well that's about it, really.

Mood - ummm...something
Music - let down - radiohead
Edited - Never

Haha...what an excellent list, I can certainly related to the jumping off the wardrobe and onto the bed revelation.  May I just add that not only will your friends be disappointed , they scatter and suddenly forget that they know you!! Oh! I just thought of another one -
*It doesn't matter what naughty thing you do, your mother will eventually/always find out !!    (A little birdie told her - at least that was what she said to us)

Great Music selection Dafty , I am certainly impressed with the Xanadu acquistion - Wasn't Gene Kelly great in "Singin in the Rain" - now who hasn't done that little "dance with the umbrella in the rain move" - once again I have overshared  
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 31/07/2006 17:18 GMT
(Isn't it odd to think that Gene was in Xanadu - it DOES seem QUITE a step down from singing in the rain - hehe).Believe it or not I actually cry when he does that umbrella scene(with you on that,bondy - have done it -  will confess   ) - I think because it's so perfect - and perfection in anything makes your heart ache.And I guess because he's not around anymore and it makes you acutely aware of the passing of time. And let's not forget his lovely scar  .

How DID Mum know everything???
Posted by:daftbird


date: 31/07/2006 20:48 GMT
How mums know everything... you develop psychic powers when you have your first child, don't you?

I'd grinning like a loon over that horse thing.  Hee!  And the wardrobe.  My live-in uncle once fell through the ceiling (he had a stash of Certain Substances in the roof cavity) and landed on my parents bed.  Make heap big'um noise and then bed not so good.
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 01/08/2006 10:59 GMT
Hahaha...the heap big'um noise and bed not so good remark made me laugh Jodes - I think we all have jumping on the bed stories - sadly mine ended in stitches in the back of my head (hhmmm could explain a lot) and the sudden departure of two of my sisters (responsible for the dare).  Mum was not happy that I bled all over her quilt .

Now, how do Mum's always know what you've done - I found this out when I became a Mother my self - Other people just can't wait to tell you stuff, especially if they think it's bad stuff, about your kids.  Newtons law - if you are doing something you shouldn't be someone who knows your mother will ALWAYS see you and then break their neck to tell her !!!
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 01/08/2006 18:11 GMT
Jodie - that's brilliant. A fantastic scene. Sounds like something out of a movie. Here's a weird thought - when you have those "movie moments" in real life it seems that it's  when you're REALLY living. Which doesn't make much sense, does it? .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 02/08/2006 17:38 GMT
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