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daftbird's Journal
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2006-07-24 19:04:20
exercising my right
Did I REALLY see on the news tonight civil dickatarians waving placards protesting the fact that would- be terrorists are in court over planning murderous acts? "Talk is not a crime" they say - what about if it results in the death of one of your loved ones - what do you say then you complete and utter wankers. What is wrong with you people, you tossers??????????? If talk isn't a crime there should be no problem then with me expressing the thought that you all need a bullet.

You have been tuned to "rant for the day"

And in a complete change of subject would like to say that I hate the thing in winter when you get all snuggly in bed and then you have to get out to go to the loo. Hate that thing.

Mood - bit chilly on rainy evening
Music - boys of summer - don henley
Edited - Never

Yeah Dafty your back and with a vengence!!  And my 2 cents worth -  I am right behind you on this one - Talk is where it starts and terrorism needs to be nipped in the bud .!!!!  (hmmm - planning murder - isn't there a law against premeditation )
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 26/07/2006 12:14 GMT
Hey Bondy - law against premeditation - that applies to you with your husband hahahaha .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 27/07/2006 09:32 GMT
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