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urban_spacegirl's Journal
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2006-07-21 06:33:20
So...look what happened to the weather!  All of a sudden, it was actually warm and sunny.  I have no idea where that came from.  Could it be that we're actually experiencing what is more commonly known as 'Summer'?? I think I remember that concept... It lasted almost a week, and then today it rained again.  So that is probably that.  Still, wasn't it fun while it lasted?  I spent every minute that I wasn't at work (quite a lot of time, as it turns out) on the beach, in the garden, in a beer garden, out walking - whatever - trying to tan.  And it seems to me that my skin has moved up from white!  (Us Scots don't tan.  It's official.)
Isn't it strange how everyone is happier in the sun? And I swear to God, I'm more popular in the sun - I've been out every single night this week, doing exciting things.  Yes, we sure know how to make the most of good weather.  They say it's going to return at the weekend, but I'm not going to bet on it yet.

In other news, work is now a bit of a laugh.  Nice Boss and Nasty Boss had a bit of a chat and now Nasty Boss has taken the week of work to ''think about things''.  Gosh, I hope I don't get fired... Whatever, I'm having a laugh with Nice Boss who turns out to be the mother of a lad I went to school with and is very lovely so work is actually more fun than it ever was. 

Am I the only person in the world who fancies Russell Brand?  Answers on a postcard, please. 

I bought tickets for the final night of the Goodies.  I really hope they appreciate the amount of bloody money I'm spending on this!!  I have NO savings whatsoever.  I know - it's my choice and it's all my own fault. 

I have discovered the delights of Fallout Boy.  If you ignore the fact that they're a terribly emo, punk, scene, whatever type of band, they're actually pretty good.  Along with Panic! At The Disco and The Feeling they may very well be my favourite new band. 

I just had a phonecall on my mobile from a private number from somebody who sounded incredibly like Ringo Starr.  He said: 'Hullo, is Louie at home?'' Hmmm... Perhaps it's time for me to have a sleep.

Mood - Happy
Music - Fallout Boy
Edited - Never

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