Only a day til the long week end. I've already watched my goodies2 dvd so I should not be distracted toooo much.
*All hail the Goodies*
But then I will have to get stuck into my assignment due next week. bugger
I bought myself a chocolate bunny to help me cope.
Work's been ok this week.
Re: goodies live show: I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Laughed the whole way through. I still love Graham the best. He's been my fav since I can remember (i remember in grade 4-many years ago- talking about the goodies with a classmate and the Q of who's your fav inevitably came up. 'Tim' he said. I remember thinking 'hmmm, typical'. Graham was always my choice- I love an eccentric man with brains, still do!) I look forward to when we be married and can plan World Domination together to earn our badges!!
Mood - nyeh with some craziness thrown
Music - sarah mcLachlan