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nezangel's Journal
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2006-07-06 00:15:51
Too Hot!
I'm not mentioning football as I will only rant and swear and rant a bit more so I shall spare you all that - sighs of relief all round! 

Blimey, I don't know how you Aussies cope with the temperatures you get in your summers.  It's been pretty unbearable here over the last few days.  We finally got a bit of rain this morning which cleared the air a bit but now it's back to humid and sunny.  I know I shouldn't complain as it's so rare for us Brits to see the sun but can't the temperature control be turned down a tad?  It's bad enough that every time I spot that calendar picture my temperature goes up by a couple of degrees at least! 
Stop looking at it nez.........stop it!

Anyway, erm....ahem. 
A couple of days til my burfday.  Hoping the weather will stay nice (but cool down a little) so I can wear a nice dress or something, I'm not bothering with a party or anything - I may have a bottle of sparkling rose on the evening though and at least I've got the day off bloomin work! 
A week after that is my friend's (Rosemarie) 30th party (although it's not her birthday til the 26th) - she's having a masquerade ball and we're also having salsa lessons - sounds like an unusual but fun mix.  I've ordered a black halter-neck dress with a kind of ragged edge thing going on at the bottom and my mask arrived today - it's called Bandit and is very piratey all black and red with a skull & crossbones motif on the ribbons and black feathers - very fancy.  No doubt by then I'll have been to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean film so I'll be in swashbuckling mode!

Anyway, just realised I'm rambling so I'll go.

nezangel x

Mood - Hot & Happy
Music - December 1963 - Frankie Valli
Edited -

I heard that in a British town, when people could see the sun they ran to the nearest park, stripped down to their underpants & ran around like loonies celebrating! Somehow I don't think that's a unanimous thing. Yes, it does get very hot in certain parts of Oz, I guess people are just born with it. I don't know how you manage to live in a place that can get so cold! I go nuts when it gets to 10 degrees celsius!
Anyway, have a great burfday!
Posted by:ek


date: 08/07/2006 18:22 GMT
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