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nezangel's Journal
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2006-06-27 21:31:12
Second time lucky?
Hmmm, well I did write a journal entry last night but as I was writing an email at the time too, it took ages & the site logged me out so when I sent the journal entry it said I wasn't logged in and I lost it all!!  Aaaaargh!  That's the second time thats happened to me and yet sometimes I linger for ages on a forum, not doing a thing as I'll be working or whatever and it never logs me out then - grrrr!

Anyway, England scraped through despite my pessimism.  They're gonna have to pull their socks up to beat Portugal though.  How farcical was the ref in their match against Holland btw?  Madman - he likes putting his hand in his pocket & no mistake!!

I'm having one of those 'can't be arsed' days - I know I suffer from them a lot but I really can't concentrate on anything for more than a minute at a time today.  Maybe if I got paid it would help.  They reckon my salary which I should have received last Wednesday will be in my account on Thursday - gee thanks for that delay guys!
Speaking of work, just had to take a call from an ...oh, I'd better not swear but he wasn't a pleasant man & he was having an un-necessary go at me (its a complicated story) for something which was not my fault - I was polite and he kept on and on, I stayed polite & he ranted some more - then I told him the facts of the matter and the faults in his argument, without swearing or shouting but in a no-nonsense tone and he simmered down & even had the cheek to call me "sweetheart" at the end of the call - sexist bastard!  I'd rather drink sulphuric acid than be his sweetheart!  Ooh, he made me cross! 

Taking deep breaths now, calm...calm...
I think I need a coffee (a double vodka & orange would go down better!)

Still, just another 4 damn hours to go  :'(

Well, as long as I don't have any more calls like that I should cope without committing murder!

better get on....
ta taa
nezangel x

Mood - Cross at the moment but will be back to happy soon
Music - Modern Love - David Bowie
Edited - Never

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