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nezangel's Journal
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2006-06-24 04:34:07
Thank frogs & princesses its Friday
Well a bit of a mixed day really.  This morning wasn't too bad but this afternoon was a real pig at work.  Retarded engineers who work for us don't help - honestly some of them are so stupid you wonder if they have to have someone wipe their backsides for them!  How they've got through life up to now with absolutely zilch common sense I have no idea!  Sorry, this has quickly turned into a rant hasn't it! 

Well, I ended up working half an hour late to try and sort out the pile of crap on my desk and then my bloke emailed me to ask if I could pick up a few bits on my way home from work (apparently his arms are withered or maybe he bursts into flames if he tries to enter a supermarket - I don't know!) as he's invited his brother, partner, her 2 kids and their own kid over for tomorrow.  Great - just what I wanted.  More of his bloody family round to make snide remarks and piss me off!    They really aren't a nice family at all! 
Anyway, I'm sure I'll cope.  At least for some of the time we'll be out at our village fete (how very English  ) so I can avoid them then!

OK, that turned into a rant again.  I apologise.

I'm sure I did have something to say but I can't think what it can be now so I'll leave you all in blissful peace...

nezangel xxx

Mood - Bit grumpy but generally cheery - weekend is here!
Music - None
Edited - Never

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