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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
Back to Im_a_Teapot's Journal
2006-06-22 20:58:59
When I think of one, I'll put one in
Yesterday was odd. 

First off its been REALLY windy here and to hear winter type winds in June was just WRONG!  The weather's gone to pot these days.

Then I was really unsettled and couldn't keep to one job so I was either sorting out my room or doing work every other hour.

When I stepped out the back door, I found that the swallow nest that had been built right above the door (the eejits) had been blown down in the night.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the birds but building your nest above the dorr that has a cat door in it was stupid, plus every time we went in or out of the door; we were dive bombed by angry swallows.  So I guess it's kind of good that the nest blew down but I'm missing being dive bombed- I keep ducking for no reason.

Anyway today has been better; still no sign of my recent ebay extravagnaces in the post so I went to Aldi and bought some cheap tennis clothes that were this weeks specials (aaace).  I have never felt more tennis.. fied in all my life!  I want to go and play now but everyone's at work.

Apparently (as I was informed yesterday), the lecturers pay problem was resolved at the start of June so I may actually graduate on time!!  Thanks for letting me know so soon UCLan.

I'm currently trying to find the will to go and do some Sheep Dog Trials work.  I can't be bothered personally because all I get is inconsistency and grief and I've stressed out about it too much already.  No motivation to do anything at all.

Might take this work downstairs and have company from the Goodies to help me do this work.

Still fancy the idea of the Goodies doing a TV version of Sheep Dog Trials.  hehehe

I love it that Bondgirl loves my avatar; I think I look really silly but there again who actaully likes their own photographs??  I know no-one who'll admit to liking a photo with themself in it so I just take it from other people's opinions.  Thanks Bondgirl!!!

Best enjoy Mr June while he's still here!

Mood - Want to play tennis
Music - Mum's listenin to Radio 4- luckily NOT the Archers
Edited - Never

Just to be completely sad and be the first to comment on this journal but...

I got Level 3 Journally Badge! 

It officially proves I type too many rambles!
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 22/06/2006 23:19 GMT
Yes you are completely sad commenting on your own journal.... I would never do something like that   .  I am pleased your pleased that I am pleased about your Tim picture...HUH???  It is a great photo and makes me feel happy just to see it...I can't wait for the opportunity to get my own   >:)
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 23/06/2006 20:09 GMT
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