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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
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2006-06-21 22:03:32
Phew.... what a scorcher
The title has nothing to with this post its just one of my favourite headlines from ISIHAC.

Speaking of ISIHAC, I've been listening to some of the early shows (what a hoot... HOOTS!) and laughing my head off.  This quote particularly made me laugh:

Tim: You always get a headache after being whipped
Barry: Can you vouch for that Tim?
Tim: No, but Bill assures me he can.


Just thought I'd share that with you all!

It's quite intersting because Barry Cryer is actually hosting this one and Bill and Tim are one panel and Graebags and Jo Kendal the other!

I've also been going through the clutter in my room and what should I find?  Only a Union Jack Tray!

My mum bought it for me.

The plot thickens....

Anyway the whole reason I came to post on here today was the fact that Spev (my un-megalomanic friend) phoned me last night to confirm (thanks to JessPix) that seating was unreserved!!!!

(Unreserved Seating!!  Wow that sounds rude like... unreserved... seating.)

This was further confirmed when my tickets arrived in the post this morning *phew* because I was starting to worry they were lost.


I also "forgot" to tell my mum and dad that I was off to see the Goodies with Spev and Kirstyn and so I'll be off for a fifth viewing on the 19th August!  Hopefully as a bit of a graduation celebration.

That's if I'm still speaking to my mum; she had a go at me last night for first of all not paying them money to buy the car off them (what money? I have none!).  Then she said that I wasn't pulling my weight round the house which REALLY annoyed me because I've been working loads recently to earn money to buy the car off them.  On Monday I also (very graciously) cleaned the house and my bathroom and made tea for them because I knew mum would be back late.

My mum replied that I hadn't cleaned the bathroom to her standards (-what?!) and that she's already had something planned for Monday's tea.  Well thanks for telling me!!

I'm gonna move out in October.  I'll find a nice cheap farm cottage and rent that while I work out what to do next.

Anyway rant over.

Something to look forward to for me is a possible tennis competition in Kent representing the Scottish Borders.  9 sets a day for a week!  Sounds good to me!  Could do with getting fit!


Mood - Bored
Music - Nowt at the moment
Edited -

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