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nezangel's Journal
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2006-06-21 03:27:46
Tuesday Tuesdae (inspiration for titles has run out!)
Well am I glad this day is nearly over!  Advanced warning - I know I complained about people dragging other people's moods down the other day & now I'm going to be guilty of hypocrisy because this is going to be one long rant.  I wouldn't bother reading it if I were you - I just need to let off steam & this is one of the few ways I can vent it!

This morning, running 20 minutes late for work due to being absolutely knackered & pressing the snooze button too often, I tried to get out of my drive.  The gas board had dug a hole on our grass at the side of the (very narrow) drive yesterday - without permission or informing us of the work I might add - and around the hole they have placed a ridiculously huge plastic fence thing, now at the other side of the drive is a wooden fence which curves round to next to the garage where I park.  I had to drive round this curve, avoid my boyfriends car parked nearby, avoid the fence & avoid the hole & plastic fence too, I had to keep reversing then going forward again as it was a tight squeeze and I was paying so much attention on not hitting the plastic fence that the rear side of my car hit the curved bit of the wooden fence instead - my precious beautiful car Micky who I've owned for nearly 8 years with not a dent in him now has an almighty dent with a load of scratches - you'd think I'd been hit by a bus! - bloody fence and bloody idiot gas board - I realise I was driving him but if it wasn't for their bloody stupid contraption, I wouldn't have hit the fence - I've never had an accident up to now in the 10 years (& 1 week exactly) I've been driving so I am bloody annoyed - as you may be able to tell! 

Got to work, eventually and was informed they couldn't pay me at the moment (money should have been in my account tomorrow) as they've gone over their over-draft - they haven't said when they'll get around to paying me either.  I've got an application form for another job already - I'm sick of being a bloody doormat to that company - they repay my loyalty by not paying me - well they can stick their crappy job where the sun don't shine!

That's a little better - i've vented a lot of frustration there so if you stuck with me, thank you! 

I'll do another entry either later on or tomorrow telling of any nice or interesting things which may have happened but for now I will close by saying:


nezangel x

Mood - Take a guess!
Music - None - cat keeps miaowing at me for attention!
Edited -

What a rubbish day!  The stupid gas board; they should pay for the repairs!  Hope today has been better for you!
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 21/06/2006 22:17 GMT
Thanks for the sympathy.  Today has been much better
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 22/06/2006 04:16 GMT
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