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nezangel's Journal
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2006-06-18 23:34:40
Sunday Sundae
G'day all!
I'm an Aussie supporter today - I'm sure they'll cause an upset & beat Brazil - ooh I'd be sooo happy if they did! 

Just booked some tickets for a few shows in Edinburgh (Yes I finally got around to it!).  I've booked for 2 nights to see Graeme & Tim (& I have another night free so I may end up going that night too if I can!), also booked to see Paul Merton & his Improv Stars - really looking forward to that as I'm a great admirer of improv comedy (& I'm hoping Richard Vranch will be one of the 'stars' - he's my favourite!), I've also booked an odd sounding show called Ben Elton The Musical (not endorsed by the man himself I might add) - it sounds a little different to the norm & has loads of 80s songs in it (I Love 80's music!) so I look forward to that.  I wanted to see Bernie Clifton (I saw him in panto as a kid & he was great!) but he's only on for 1 night & it happened to be the only night I could get tickets for the improv show so I chose to abandon poor Bernie!  Sorry mate!

Finally got rid of the guests yesterday - Woohoo!  I can't believe they stopped for almost an entire week - it's not like they mentioned how long they'd be here - they just invited themselves.  Anyway, I'm not wasting a perfectly good rant on them - they've gone & all's well again!

Have decided I am going to do an Open University course - I've been thinking about this for ages.  They're a bit pricy but I feel I want to prove to myself that I'm capable of doing that sort of thing.  I'm not going to do one to further my career or anything, I wouldn't last 5 minutes - I'd be bored to death!  I'm going to do one about Space & physics (if I'd had half a brain I'd have loved to become an astro-physicist!) and if I like the first few courses I might even study over a few years and turn it into a degree - of course I need to see how well my brain copes with the earlier stuff first! ( )

Oh, just seen the time, I've missed the first half of the Japan v Croatia game - think I'll grab a bite for lunch & watch the rest of the second half. 

Ta taaa
nezangel xxx

Mood - Thoughtful but happy
Music - None - kittens are squeaking at their mum!
Edited - Never

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