So there I was; winding down from a long day of working after coming home and being nagged by mum, watching Saturday Night Grease and who disturbs me during the crucial carrot moment... my mum.
She then continued to sit and watch the show with me which I was obviously not in the mood for.
She left and I watched Earthanasia instead- the jeans made up for everything.
Not that I'm one track at all.
I'm actually feeling a bit naturised at the moment! Yesterday I picked up a stone where a ladybird was laying eggs!! I have never seen anything like it before and I never will.
Then apart from all the rabbits, rats, hares, buzzards and mad dogs that I've seen today I managed to herd four sheep up a hill and at the top of the hill was a doe with two baby deer and they were so cute! The babies jumped into the tall grass and all you could see were these two tiny deer bobbing up and down in the grass. CUUUTE! Tim would love it.