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urban_spacegirl's Journal
Back to urban_spacegirl's Journal
2006-06-17 04:46:37
Have succumbed
Well seeing that every man and his dog has one of these online journal malarkeys these days and I've been humming and hawing about doing this for ages, I have finally decided just to get on with it.  I haven't kept a diary since I was about 9 years old and I doubt that I'll be any better at it now than I was then.  This shall be incredibly boring due to the fact that my life is indescribably tedious.  (Although you could have guessed that from the fact that it's 8.30 on a Friday night, I'm still at home and I'm actually looking forward to watching Big Brother..Even my Mum has gone out...)

Yes, what should I write now?  Do I introduce myself or what?  Do I have to immediately launch into a blow by blow account of all that I achieved today?  This is confusing.

The most obvious thing to do would be to write my account of the Halifax trip and all that it entailed, but actually that's all been done pretty well by everyone else for me - thanks guys! Perhaps one day I'll go into detail of the notorious Tim Cuddle, but as for just now, I'm happy to keep it a private memory.  I don't think words could do it justice. 

For this being a public journal, I haven't really given much away.  Do I have your permission to ramble? Until I'm sure that it wouldn't all be in vain, I think that's it. 

Disappointing first entry, to be sure.  (I've turned Irish, apparently...)

Mood - A wee bit confused
Music - The Feeling
Edited - Never

Welcome to the world of journalling - if you want boring then be sure to visit my journal - now this is cr@p - have fun
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 17/06/2006 14:54 GMT
sorry that should read - now that is crap - and what was it you said about rambling - naw I never ramble - but the other day.....
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 17/06/2006 14:55 GMT
I ramble too much, that's why no-one reads mine!
Posted by:ek


date: 17/06/2006 18:14 GMT
Ramble away dear girl - it's not like nobody else rambles in their journals... er... except me, obviously...
Posted by:Not_A_Megalomaniac

Not_A_Megalomaniac WWW 

date: 19/06/2006 21:07 GMT
You can ramble as much as you like- I never know what to write so you get whatever is at the top of my head when I'm typing- like right now I've been typing out the 'Riggers Handbook' (for my construction mate) and my head is swimming with Bull Dog Grips and their stats, sheaves, crane hand signals, shackles and tandem lifting... I'll stop there- this is your journal not mine!
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 19/06/2006 23:01 GMT
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