Got my avatar to work finally! Yes this is me and Tim after Halifax and I'm laughing after he called me his daughter!
Not that I'm laughing at the idea, I think it was just one of these unexpected statements that throw me completely. Like Bobby Elliott (Hollies drummer) saying:
"I'm eating my dinner. It's raw broccolli" - what's that all about????
I'm going to copy Spev's account of meeting Tim in here when she writes it cause she writes these things better than I do but basically....
The guys came out of the stage door and the people flocked to them except for me, Spev and Kirstyn - I think we were a little shell- shocked. Anyway then Graeme was suddenly standing alone and he looked in our direction so I plucked up the courage and went over to ask him for an autograph- I was shaking! Actually nervous!
He asked me who he was signing to and I said PJ which he didn't hear so I repeted it and he was like 'dare I ask what it stands for?' and I replied 'yeah- it's Pamela-Jane'. Not sure what he was expecting though.
Then Kirstyn asked him for an autograph and some dude asked me for some paper from my autograph book.
I noticed Rob Brydon looking lonely so I went over to him, took a photo of him and another guy and asked for Rob's autograph after complementing himon his absoulety excellent singing. I then lent my pen to someone and when I got it back, Spev and Kirstyn had already had their hugs with Tim and I was too scared to ask but Tim did sign my autograph book and I got a picture with him (see avatar).
Spev will probably write a better account of this.
The guys left and all we could do was stand around completely overwhelmed. Unbelievable!
So much for the Tim napping plan - you see a absolutely gorgeous man and all that scheming went out the window - having said that YEAH !! for you, Great Pic, aahhh Tim *swoon*
Never mind Spev will probably write it better than me! You crazy lady. I'm still trying to remember. When I first saw Graeme Garden walk in my direction my whole being just completely failed to function. I almost collapsed! I don't think I remember much!!!