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Not_A_Megalomaniac's Journal
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2006-06-13 22:25:18

This is not written with the intention of making anyone, least of all Bondgirl, jealous.  It is simply so that a) I can write down every gory little detail of the cuddle and thus immortalise it and b) so that anyone wanting to know what a Timbo cuddle feels like before they get one will know exactly what to expect.

However, no matter HOW detailed this description may be - you must understand that no matter how great you may *think* a Tim Cuddle is - it is NOTHING compared to how lovely it ACTUALLY is!!!!!!!!!!!! 

But seriously - GETTING a cuddle off Tim is easier than you might think.  Kirstyn asked him very politely "Would you mind terribly if I asked for a cuddle?" and he gave her THAT grin and said "I think I'd enjoy that ENORMOUSLY!"  whereas I just said "Can I have me cuddle now please, Timbo?" and he gave me the same THAT grin and said "Oooooh, yes PLEASE!!!!"

In fact you may even still get a cuddle if you just say "Timothy, cuddle me now, please!"  I'm quite convinced.  He's very generous with his cuddles - he gave loads of them out.  I said "Tim's coming here more often, aren't you?" and he said "Oooh yes indeed!"


As detailed in the Timbo thread, our convo went thus:

SPEV:  Can you sign it Timbolina Tottywallop please?
TIM:  Timbolina... Timbolina... I heard that bit but what was the surname again??
SPEV:  Timbolina Tottywallop!
TIM:  [Bursts out laughing]  Oh yes!  Fantastic!  Definitely!  Hahahaha!!!  Timbolina Tottywallop!!  Yes!!
SPEV:  That was a fantastic pink dress you wore on the Radio 2 episode, by the way!
TIM:  Oh, thank you very much!!!  [squiggles autograph down and returns book to SPEV]
SPEV:  Oh thanks ever so much, Tim.  Can I have my cuddle now please?
TIM:  OOOOH!  Yes please!!!  [gives SPEV best cuddle she's ever had in her whole entire life]

He actually signed my book "To Timbolina Tottywallop, love from Tim Brooke-Taylor-Tottywallop x".  Bless him!!!!!!!

Anyway, THE Cuddle.


I'd call it a hug, but that's just not the right description.  It was an all out cuddle, a warm, cosy, all-enveloping, lovely, snuggly, yummy CUDDLE.  I'm very fussy about my cuddles.  I don't like really weak cuddles you can't FEEL, and I don't like really strong cuddles that break your back and stop you breathing normally.  And it's SO difficult to find people who can get a nice balance between the two.

Until Sunday night when Tim Brooke-Taylor slipped his arms around my waist and in the space of around one minute almost entirely put paid to me being maternal about him.

It started off quite slowly and softly, then he pulled me tighter towards him (I'm getting quite giddy just thinking about that bit!) and the cuddle got a lot stronger and tighter but not so it was too tight to breathe.  There wasn't even a polite air gap between us (yes that's right - chests AND stomachs were pressed together!!), which was altogether VERY EXCITING (*GULP!*)!!  It was just really warm and lovely and cosy and snuggly and you seriously felt that nothing terrible could possibly happen to you because you were in the arms of Timothy Julian Brooke-Taylor-Tottywallop and he would never let anything happen to you.  Which was such an exciting thought I almost whimpered, but then realised HE was going "Mmm... ooooh... mmm that's lovely... oooh... that's really nice... mmm!"

Crikey.  I've had an "ooh" ing "mmm" ing Timbo in my arms!  Not many people can say THAT for themselves can they!!!

I seriously could quite happily have stayed cuddling Tim forever and ever and not moved from that spot ever again, but sadly I had to stop cuddling him eventually (before I got too excited!) and I said "Thank you very much" and he blushed and did a Tim Giggle (you KNOW the one I mean!) and said "Oooh no, thank YOU very much, that was lovely!  Oooh!!!"

Bless him.

The meeting of Graeme wasn't anywhere near that exciting as I was overwhelmed with the fact Graeme Garden was stood in front of me and I stupidly thought of the Bunfight waistcoat because he was wearing a shirt that colour and went a bit hysterical, but tried to stay calm.  I didn't even have a book or anything for him to sign and in the end he looked at me and I just said "Erm, actually I'm just lurking around here for the hell of it, don't mind me!" and he chuckled and said "Okay then!!!"

That was it.



THE END!! (great episode)

How depressing.  All those volumes of How To Meet And Seduce Graeme Garden Without Ever Meeting Him that Kirstyn and I wrote.  Still, we're going to do Edinburgh so we can not only have the chance to meet Grae again properly (we have a top secret plan), but also so I can have another Tim cuddle which I am now officially addicted to.

I shall give details of Timbo's adoption of Peej and the photo with Kirstyn tomorrow probably.  In the meantime I'm going to have to do some work.


But that was the cuddle.  The Cuddle, actually.  Tim Cuddles should be made available on the NHS as a surefire cure for depression, low self-esteem and other problems like that.  It's certainly a medication you could happily overdose on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mood - Still dazed I think...
Music - None, just listening to a confidential meeting
Edited -

I'm very jealous about the cuddle - does this mean now that you are a Timbo-luster and that Graeme is all mine?
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 13/06/2006 22:58 GMT
No such luck, love.  Not with the way Graeme was blatantly flaunting his fingers on stage!!  Although I'm a Timbo-luster when being cuddled by him...  *sigh*  Besides - there's always Edinburgh to consider.................................. my time for Graeme WILL come..........
Posted by:Not_A_Megalomaniac

Not_A_Megalomaniac WWW 

date: 13/06/2006 23:16 GMT
Oi!  Hands off Tim!

It's ok, you can hug him- I'm cool with that lol

Hope that come 4th August you'll actually be able to go up to Graeme and then on the 5th we'll work on talking to him. 

hahey!  August and July will rock!
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 14/06/2006 00:31 GMT
Well I'm Not!!!  That lean, mean sexy machine is mine !!!
If the crying face worked in the journals my entry would be water logged
WWAAHHH I want a Timbo cuddle!!
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 14/06/2006 19:54 GMT
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