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xdonna's Journal
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2005-03-22 00:10:08
I know I should not but I am so glad when the guests leave.They are old friends from Newcastle and using us as a nights stop after flying into Manchester from a fortnights holiday in Florida. They arrived at 9 am yesterday morning and we had them all day and boy was it a long one they showed us photos and spoke of the holiday. Now I have no desire to go to Florida and am not bothered but its was all "oh you should go" and "you have to see..." I DONT want to Then the endless talk of the rides but I wont go on a normal rollercoaster I don't like them so it was rather boring to hear the delights of some of the ones at Epcot.Then the jet lag set in and the afternoon and evening was liked having 4 zombies to stay. This morning all well rested I expected having been away from home for 15 days they wanted to get back. But no we will just stay until 11am ,then it was 12 they finally left at 1pm I have the house to myseff again.

Mood - good
Music -
Edited - Never

You need a holiday - how about Florida?!
Posted by:hollycat


date: 22/03/2005 10:29 GMT
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