I'm a little annoyed as I've just written a really long essay about the trip to Birmingham on Sunday but because it was so long & I took ages to write it, the site logged me out so when I sent it, it didn't register it & when I tried to go back to copy it - it wasn't there!! Aaaaarrrghhh, I missed the first half of the England match to write it too - grrrrrr!! Good job i'm in such a deliciously good mood & have been since Sunday. I'll try to get around to typing it all out again at some point but for now I'm going to log off, put the pizza in the oven & watch the 2nd half of the footie (I may even sneakily have a bottle of beer too - ooh naughty me!!)
Mood - Slightly irritated but in general, very happy!!
Music - None - I can hear the footie in the other room!!
Lol - well England play better when I watch them and that was indeed the case last night so I feel partially responsible for the victory against Hungary!! OK I will try to get around to writing about my day trip to Birmingham during the course of the day (I am supposed to be working but never mind eh?!!)