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daftbird's Journal
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2006-05-18 10:53:09
klutz week may 15th-21st,2006
I hope that's how you spell klutz;never been sure about that.  There's a week for everything else under the sun, so this week can be designated klutz week.

I realised it was klutz week when I somehow managed to cut my mouth while eating breakfast monday morning.  Good one. (yes,just on a regular good old normal spoon). It actually sliced right in the corner of the mouth (ouch). Come lunch time did it again-arrggghhh!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON??????? -  and had to continue eating the chicken soup while covering the sliced bit with finger.  Ridiculous.

Tuesday. Thought I'd try and look interesting and wear a scarf around the house.  Got it caught in the stove door.  Brilliant. Lucky stove wasn't on.  What an utter klutz.  Reminded me of the time I was doing a radio show and somehow became tangled in a CD cover.

Wednesday. Somehow managed to poke self in eye while working on the computer. Later in day...  come out of an op shop loaded down with...well if I be honest...crap(but good crap,if you know what I mean), casually dressed in jeans and a green jumper. So carrying at least 67 bags and in a desperate hurry to be somewhere by 10 to 3 I come out of the op shop and need to walk up a laneway only to find that there is a group of mourners,some still crying, others with red-rimmed eyes right THERE in front of me where I need to walk. and then the hearse just pulled out and started to make its way ever-so-slowly up the laneway.  So I realise that in order to get where I'm going will have to walk past the grieving people in a silly green jumper carrying evidence that my life is going on as usual while their beloved family member is dead in a box and either follow the hearse laden with bags and wearing a green jumper OR overtake the hearse laden with crap and wearing a green jumper. Stress stress no time no time. Just as head is about to explode/implode thankfully remembered a nearby arcade to walk through and still reach my destination by 10 to 3. Go through arcade and walk up the street just in time to see the hearse come out the top of the street and have to wait for it to go before being able to cross the pedestrian crossing. I mean am I living in a movie or something? Or is it simply the magic(pause) of klutz week  . And it's not over yet.

Mood - a bit klutzy ,but mostly daft
Music - three times a lady-the commodores
Edited -

Oh, Dafty, you poor thing!  I haven't managed anything so spectacularly klutzy yet, but I'm the queen of Rinsing A Spoon Under A Tap And Having It Spray Water All Over You.  Happens EVERY freaking time.
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 22/05/2006 06:47 GMT
oh jodie-i HATE that thing! It's so annoying! ( Klutz week didn't end with the above-also tripped over an old childhood bike i keep in the bedroom and came tangled up in it and ended up clinging to the foot of the bed-i mean like the bedhead at the end of the bed-whatever that bit is called-because it was either that or maim self). Tch Tch-need help .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 22/05/2006 18:33 GMT
Hahahaha  Dafty you have just decribed my usual day !!!
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 24/05/2006 11:39 GMT
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