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peteb's Journal
Back to peteb's Journal
2006-05-12 02:58:01
Yes!!! I've finally finished my dissertation, not handed it in yet but it's done.
Time for beer? I think so!
Had a phone call the other morning, it was my mum's partner. He's had an operation and wants me to travel 200 miles to look after him and my mum. 200 miles isn't that far for people in Australia but it is for me!!! I'm gonna have to travel by train and the British train system is a nightmare. It'll take me six hours to travel and then I'm gonna have to get a bus at the other end!
Oh well.
I've got this weekend to myself and then a train journey to the midlands on Monday.
Unfortunately my mum isn't on the internet so I'll not be posting for a couple of weeks (not change there then!)

Time to sign off for a massive celebration!!

Mood - Unsure
Music - Dance Dance - Fallout boy
Edited - Never

hey,i thought british rail was quite good-they even come around and try and sell you snacks,not like on our crappy trains here.Plus they were so clean and comfortable! But i don't envy you the distance. Congrats on getting the disseratation done,whatever that is .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 14/05/2006 14:24 GMT
Dafty, a disseratation is when you show disrespect to a rat while giving a speech.    Congrats on the thingy, Pete!  And good luck with Mum and Mum's Man.  Sheesh, parents....
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 18/05/2006 11:25 GMT
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