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peteb's Journal
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2006-05-04 09:30:23
Week off?
It may look like I've had another week off from visiting the site but I've actually been doing more work for my degree! Except for Monday when I went out and drank for 13 straight hours to celebrate my birthday (one day early).

We started at a pub, had breakfast drank in pubs around Exmouth went to the student's union, went back into Exmouth town for food, went to the seafront and pissed about on the sand while drinking and then went back into town to finish off.

And I'm happy to say I wasn't bored of drinking!!!!

Just been contacted by an Ex-girlfriend who wanted to talk, curious because we haven't spoken in years - she left me for someone else!!! We were always good friends though but that never really came out until we split up. I'm lazy and never bothered and neither did she until tonight!!!
She's married now and happy. It was just fun to talk for a while.

Anyway, I've got my dissertation to write now. 7,500 words by the 12th. Piss easy!!

Mood - Valiant
Music - Curiously, the Theme from Father Ted
Edited - Never

Hey pete wonder what you've been doing (probably what I should be doing - work) Happy birthday I hope you don't get a hangover for your birthday  . Hmmm ex-girlfriend who wants to talk.... methinks you should tread carefully....but what would I know I'm sufer from sleep deprevation.
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 04/05/2006 13:09 GMT
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