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zaphod's Journal
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2006-04-30 10:25:52
Sick Man Blues....
Yup, I've caught the dreaded lurgie.  I've been sniffing snd coughing along with lots of aches and pains, and I'm really wishing that the"Elixir" from "The Goodies Travelling Medicine Show" was real and I had some.

There's nothing worse than being fit and healthy most of the time and then something as small and annoying as the Flu can knock you around like this.  It isn't that I'm not physically up to doing anything, it's that my brain tells my body that it's sick and can't do anything.

I suppose it could be worse, I could have ebola or something I could really complain about, but I just felt like having a good old-fashoined whinge.

Incidentally, since I work with computers all the time anyhow, it hasn't stopped me from doing actual work, since I have a better internet connection at home than I do at work, it's actually easier for me to work at home, except for the fact that I have too many other distractions here (a couple thousand books, a TV, games, fridge containing food, etc).

I just need to discipline myself to do work when I'm on my computer instead of trolling around the net looking for interesting stuff to waste my time.

Actually, I'm really waiting for my brother to turn up with the trailer so I can move my small bookshels out of here, and move in the large one.  At least the large one managed to fit most of my books on it, instead of less than half.

I do have quite a collection, but mostly it's older sci-fi and a few other odds and sods.

I have a first edition hardcover by Paul French (Isaac Asimov's nom de plume)  which I'm rather proud of.

Mood - Sick
Music - None
Edited - Never

Sorry Zaphod, maybe I gave you the lurgie via the internet. You know what viruses are like these days. hehehehehe.
Definately a lot of distractions at home. I've been feeling so ratty that I've barely done anything though. Been in bed reading mostly. Listening to Hitchhikers radio plays and falling asleep. Couldn't even be bothered with TV most of the time
Posted by:AC


date: 30/04/2006 16:13 GMT
Perhaps if you watched "The Goodies Travelling Medicine Show" that would make you feel better.  Take care and don't work to hard
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 01/05/2006 11:27 GMT
Hmmm...I'm nearly through a course of antibiotics for the pharyngitis I finished my holidays with! (At least I wasn't sick whilst I was in NZ - see my journal!) At first I thought I had the flu...but the sore throat went on and on...on the third day I went to the doc. Until it eased, I kept on the cold 'n' flu tablets, just to ease the pain enough so that I could eat and drink (ie. swallow)! I'm pretty much all better now. I hope you improve quickly.
What type of stories did Asimov do under his nom de plume?
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 02/05/2006 23:30 GMT
Hi Janice, long time no see. 

In answer to your question about Asimov's Nom de Plume, he originally wrote his "Space Ranger" series under the name Paul French, becasue is conflicted with something else he was writing under contract.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 07/05/2006 14:36 GMT
All these sick people! I just have my hayfever starting up and back flare ups. What you all need is do get gloriously drunk. It's a method that works for me!
Posted by:Edna


date: 19/05/2006 07:53 GMT
Nice thought Edna, but I promised myself I wouldn't touch alcohol (again) until I can have a pint in the same pub that was used in the making of the Frist Hitch Hikers Giude to the Galaxy TV series. 

You have to understand, it's a life decision and I have to see it through to the end.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 21/05/2006 09:58 GMT
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