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Kel_13's Journal
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2006-04-28 20:38:50
still 1 to go
hey all at this time i am watching friday night games which links to our 2006 series of big brother, i haven't really found it as intersesting as some of the previouse years but it is only early (sum 1 on msn is p*ssin me off on purpose) back to the real world i just had to worst case of indigestion from having drunk 3 UDL's (vodka mixed with passionfruit)  i thought i was gunna die...yes ok laugh if u must *pauses for laughs* it was only 3! as i am getting weak when it comes to alcohol it must be old age yes i know 23 ain't that old but it seems old to me...anyway response to bondgirl in my last entry maybe i did buy sumthing in a sex shop whilst the boys where like kids in a candy shop... ...i am now on 9 entrys befor getting my journal badge so hopefully i will have more to blab about soon so until then thats all from me....*stops and wonders if any of the goodies who visit the site read the journals*  HI TIM!!  if they do!

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