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Posts: 4549




 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
07/02/2007 03:45 GMT

wahski :

eg about 3min 30secs into the Big Bunny episode (where they go to the moon) Graeme is keeping a rabbit in isolation for 3 weeks to see how it holds up, & opens box and says to rabbit "Stop that!" and Tim says probably can't hear you" and Graeme says "Pardon?" implying that he also is having problems hearing like rabbit for some reason.  Is this a bit of innuendo or am I missing the plot here? 

well, there's an expression along the lines of "stop it or you'll go blind", usually said to men...  [clears though significantly]

It seems the joke has been changed to "deaf" instead of "blind" here.


Posts: 385



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
06/02/2007 22:57 GMT

It was great to see the clip. It's the old 'hands on hips' syndrome yet again, folks!


Posts: 2433



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
06/02/2007 21:50 GMT

Pure filth.Lovely!


Posts: 312



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
06/02/2007 13:40 GMT

wahski :

' really great Idea!

I know there are bits where I don't get the joke or what they are saying. Sometimes on watching an episode I pick up stuff I must have missed the first few times.

I only worked out what they mean recently when they exclaim "Gordon Bennett" eg in Robot episode, as I heard that expression also in a minder episode as well which made me "google" on it.

eg about 3min 30secs into the Big Bunny episode (where they go to the moon) Graeme is keeping a rabbit in isolation for 3 weeks to see how it holds up, & opens box and says to rabbit "Stop that!" and Tim says probably can't hear you" and Graeme says "Pardon?" implying that he also is having problems hearing like rabbit for some reason.  Is this a bit of innuendo or am I missing the plot here? 

It's an innuendo.  I'm not going to try to explain it cos I don't have the facilities to do it without being too rude, but maybe somebody else will.  It's quite subtle, but also surprisingly rude    I like the idea, anyway.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Graeme:  ''Let's go and cuddle in the corner...''

Posts: 270



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
06/02/2007 12:10 GMT

really great Idea!

I know there are bits where I don't get the joke or what they are saying. Sometimes on watching an episode I pick up stuff I must have missed the first few times.

I only worked out what they mean recently when they exclaim "Gordon Bennett" eg in Robot episode, as I heard that expression also in a minder episode as well which made me "google" on it.

eg about 3min 30secs into the Big Bunny episode (where they go to the moon) Graeme is keeping a rabbit in isolation for 3 weeks to see how it holds up, & opens box and says to rabbit "Stop that!" and Tim says probably can't hear you" and Graeme says "Pardon?" implying that he also is having problems hearing like rabbit for some reason.  Is this a bit of innuendo or am I missing the plot here? 

See clip :¤t=BigBunnyClip.flv

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"

Posts: 1239



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
17/01/2007 03:38 GMT

Great idea Jodes - best of luck! 


Posts: 608



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
15/01/2007 21:25 GMT

Sounds good to me - go for it!

I'm looking forward to this.


Tim: How long have we been married?

Tim: Be on guard

Posts: 1617



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
15/01/2007 20:49 GMT

Great idea...

My plan is to do them episode-by-episode, starting with the ones on the DVDs.

If I did it season-by-season, it would never get it done...  I'll compile them into seasons down the track.

How about if I post a short draft in the forums for updates/improvements/suggestions, then put the final one in the articles?


Posts: 608



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
15/01/2007 16:01 GMT

Definitely go for it, it'd be very interesting and useful. I'm sure you'll do a grand job but if you ever need a hand then just say the word!



Tim: How long have we been married?

Tim: Be on guard

Posts: 901



 Subject:  Re: Obscure Joke Guide?
15/01/2007 13:54 GMT

Geat idea. Maybe we could all help by posting things we've spotted/don't understand??

I'm back, and it's about time!

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