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Magnus Magnesium's Bumper Goodies Quiz #3
Quiz Answers - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 28/12/2006


» Goodies Quiz #3
» Quiz Answers

(Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Score 1/2 a point if you're close!)
(1)   The Masked Shotputter.
(2)   Because someone has been stealing the Beefeater's beef.
(3)   "Young him" – Prince Charles
(4)   It gets shot
(5)   Happy Families
(6)   The summer house
(7)   Bill – in a carrot costume
(8)   The Lazy DJ Health & Beauty Farm
(9)   Milkmen
(10) Wrestling each other
(11) The "ruddy band of the Coldstream Guards" - playing the Monty Python theme.
(12) Prince Charles
(13) Fritz and Fratz
(14) (Tin) Cannes (also a quick flash of the frillies from Tim!)
(15) The Endangered Species Club
(16) A panda
(17) Baked beans
(18) "Knickers!"
(19) Michael Aspirin
(20) Increasing overcrowding and pollution
(21) 11:56
(22) By charging at Graeme in a fit of rage and flattening him with the stove (with cake inside!)
(23) 5000 puppies
(24) It was put on the wrong leg – it should have been on Graeme's!
(25) Radio Times
(26) "Hay"
(27) "beep"
(28) "Nyaaah, what's up Doc?!"
(29) Rabbit pie (therefore making them cannibals)
(30) "... we send the boys around!"
(31) Home to his mother
(32) It's afraid of the dark
(33) "Four ruddy days!"
(34) Cry
(35) His wee cousin Hamish
(36) Ten million miniature electronic receivers
(score a bonus point if you answered "himself", after his tumble into the pudding vat!)
(37) Because Bill threw it out after getting complaints from the others after using it to cook chips with.
(38) A huge shower of fishfingers (after it upended drums of batter and oil, and brought down a sparking light to ignite the mixture)
(39) The Grieving Grannies
(40) A marrow
(41) Ratatouille, as "We've run out of rats!" according to Graeme the punk waiter
(42) The Melody Maker
(43) A fly
(44) One of its legs
(45) "About a quarter to three?" (accept telling him the time)
(46) Because it "still doesn't fly" after 2000 years!
(47) Candy floss and bingo
(48) A melon
(49) Princess Anne
(50) A basin plug and chain
(51) Because of his fuzzy hair ("I just washed it!")
(52) Because they're only half the size of regular citizens
(53) Snow White & The Seven Dwarves and Ronnie Corbett
(54) Lester
(55) Mummy I Don't Like My Meat
(56) It turns them into clowns
(57) By selling it off as petrol
(58) Orange
(59) Miss America
(60) Control of the Commonwealth
(61) A children's playground
(62) 20 years
(63) A scout – and young partner!
(64) A sheep
(65) Nuts
(66) Macbeth Meets Truffaut The Wonder Dog
(67) By drowning it with whisky after accidentally sitting on it
(68) Bill Oddie
(69) It is a tiny disc of plastic with nothing on it.
(70) Gerald
(71) For Those In Peril On The Sea. (aka The Lost Island Of Munga)
(72) Nasty Person.
(73) The Philharmonic Glee Club Rock And Roll Band
(74) "The Julie Andrews Album Of Rugby Songs"
(75) Being locked up in a cell with Rolf Harris!
(76) Six months
(77) His secretary, Miss Lushboosie
(78) Tony Blackburn
(79) Dinosaur-like bulldozers and other construction machines
(80) "That's the Sweeties!"
(81) Sudsy Wudsy
(82) He throws a lighted match into the petrol tank
(83) Choice of birdwatching, soccer and music (sax / drums)
(84) "The reckless loony"
(85) Hayley Mills
(86) Bill Brooke-Taylor, Tim Garden and Graeme Oddie
(87) Racquel Welsh
(88) Nicholas Parsons
(89) The Torquay Trombone Allstars
(90) EBGB
(91) "It's a nun!" (Tim as Supernun plummeting to the earth)
(92) Jon Pertwee
(93) Brother Ignatius
(94) Zero
(95) Highbrow Hall
(96) Two years old (Graeme claims to be 2.36!)
(97) A nice box of German cigars
(98) Loch Jaw School
(99) 25 pounds
(100) The Matron
90-100    Mastermind Of The Year
75-89      Goodies Fan Supreme
60-74      Clever Clogs
40-59      Reasonably Goodie
21-39      Thick As Old Boots
0-19        Rolf Harris!

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