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A Collection Of Goodies Themes
Introduction & Index - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 11/01/2010


» Introduction & Index
» 1 Lemon Sherbet
» 2 Newsreaders
» 3 Targets: Max & Des
» 4. Goodies Turning ...
» 5. Beanz Ads
» 6. Targets: Nichola...
» 7. Goodies In Love
» 8. The Trandem
» 9. Targets: Tony Bl...
» 10. Inventions
» 11. Tim In Drag
» 12. Targets - David...
» 13. Bill's Outfits
» 14. Live Music
» 15. Targets: Mary &...
» 16. Goodies Relatives
» 17. Tim's Patriotic...
» 18. Targets: Rolf H...
» 19. Bill & Graeme i...
» 20. Sports & Games
» 21. Targets: Lionel...
» 22. Guest Stars: Pa...
» 23. Graeme's Computer
» 24. Monty Python Re...
» 25. Targets: Eddie ...
» 26. Memorable Animals
» 27. Foreigners
» 28. Targets: The Ra...
» 29. Graeme falling ...
» 30. Targets - Royal...
» 31. Tim Crying
» 32. Baddies & Villa...
» 33. Targets: Ken Ru...
» 34. Quick Change Ca...
» 35. Goodies Deaths

 by Brett Allender
As a follow-up to the Goodies Episode Summaries, I have now commenced what will hopefully be a lengthy series of new articles which will appear in the Clarion & Globe and on this website on a monthly or two-monthly basis.  As I've already put together summaries and photo galleries for each individual episode of the show, I'd now like to take a look at particular themes and concepts that pop up during the run of The Goodies on a recurring basis and present them here with an accompanying photo gallery.
Future themes to be explored include Tim's patriotic speeches and dragging up, Graeme's inventions and falling over, Bill's outfits, giant animals, the Royal family (particularly the Queen & Prince Charles) and favourite targets (like Rolf Harris, Max Bygraves and Tony Blackburn … not much!), just to name a few. I have listed around 30 different ideas below which I intend to eventually explore, but further suggestions are most welcome – please either e-mail them to <>  or add them to this article as a comment. 
Articles available (from index on right)
1.  (Aug 2007)  Bill's Lemon Sherbet Trips
2.  (Sep 2007)  Newsreaders as the Headline Act
3.  (Oct 2007)  Goodies Targets - Max Bygraves & Des O'Connor
4.  (Nov & Dec 2007)  Goodies Turning Baddie 
5.  (Feb 2008)  "Beanz Meanz Heanz" Ads
6.  (Mar 2008)  Goodies Targets - Nicholas Parsons 
7.  (Apr 2008)  Goodies In Love
8.  (July 2008)  The Trandem
9.  (Dec 2008)  Goodies Targets - Tony Blackburn
10. (Mar 2009) Graeme's Inventions
11. (May 2009) Tim In Drag 
12. (Jul 2009)  Goodies Targets - David Frost
13. (Sep 2009) Bill's Outfits
14. (Nov 2009) Goodies Live Music Performances
15. (Jan 2010) Goodies Targets: Mary Whitehouse & Vanessa Redgrave
16. (Apr 2010) Goodies Relatives & Ancestors
17. (Jul 2010) Tim's Patriotic Speeches
18. (Nov 2010) Goodies Targets - Rolf Harris
19. (Apr 2011) Bill & Graeme in drag
20. (Oct 2011) Sports & Games
21. (Dec 2011) Goodies Targets: Lionel Blair, Engelbert Humperdinck & the Osmonds
22. (Mar 2012) Guest stars: Patrick Moore
23. (Jul 2012) Graeme's Computer
24. (Dec 2012) Monty Python References
25. (Mar 2013) Goodies Targets - Eddie Waring
26. (May 2013) Memorable Animals
27. (Sep 2013) Foreigners
28. (Nov 2013) Goodies Targets - The Radio Times & Bognor
29. (Feb 2014) Graeme falling over
30. (Jul 2014) Goodies Targets - The Royal Family
31. (Dec 2014) Tim Crying
32. (Jul 2015) Baddies & Villains
33. (Oct 2015) Goodies Targets: Ken Russell & Oliver Reed
34. (Jun 2016) The Quick Change Cabinet
35. (Nov 2016) Goodies Deaths at the end of episodes
Next article
The Goodies Office 
Ideas for future articles
Other mock ads
Crazy costumes
The police force
Politics (prime ministers & others)
Memorable images
Memorable quotes
Graeme's impressions
Trapped with nowhere to go
Goodies in panic
Graeme bringing little furry animals to life
Musical trends
Outer space
Movie references & parodies 
Goodies targets

Well done and very thorough!

Can't wait to read the rest of the themed articles.

Fun for us to read and terrific concentrated background information for the newly enlightened (so to speak).
Posted by:the end

the end

date: 12/08/2007 19:10 GMT
I'm rather looking forward to the lads going loony article.

Well done with the first one by the way as i'm looking forward to reading more.
Posted by:RatDog


date: 15/08/2007 10:19 GMT
What a great article for Goodies turn Baddie, thanks Bretta.  I always felt that Tim never got as much of a chance to be a loony as the other two although as you have demonstrated he did have his moments!  However for me I think the ultimate Goodie goes loonie has to be Graeme in Radio Goodies
Posted by:wackywales

wackywales WWW 

date: 07/12/2007 16:50 GMT
Thanks for those kind words, Wackywales!  I had also felt that Tim's character was generally the most serious of the three with being the posh establishment figure while Graeme had the loony scientist persona and Bill had his violent scruffpot streak.  However when it came to finding major examples of Goodies turning baddie (and loony) it was a nice surprise for me to find that Tim got to flip out every bit as much as the other two.
Posted by:bretta


date: 12/12/2007 05:50 GMT
re goodies in love;
i've always thought that whoever played mildred makepeace must have been a fantastic actress
imagine being able to pretend to be able to resist Graybags without the glasses- especially as such short range (swoons thinking about it)
Posted by:walrus in my soup


date: 23/01/2010 19:36 GMT
Regarding Nicholas Parsons as a target -- I've listened to quite a lot of Just A Minute now, and I'm ashamed to say I've grown quite charmed by him. Not because he's some sort of swoon-causing dream-come-true, though, but because he seems so...well, ditzy. His ham-handed attempts at chivalry are often so blatant that they're laughable in their clumsiness, and yet charming in a childish way. I just can't imagine that he realizes that he short, he seems so much like the male version of a blonde bimbo. Tim's comment of "I don't think it occurs to him that we were being rude" sums it up so well.

About the actual series of articles -- well-written, enjoyable, and all-around lovely. Looking forward to the next explorations of themes!
Posted by:Notebooked


date: 13/02/2012 19:12 GMT
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