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Network Winter Sale
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The GoodiesNetwork is having a Winter Sale, which includes the DVD "An Audience with The Goodies" and the book "The Goodies DVD File" (written by Andrew Pixley) (

Posted by lisa at 06/01/2023 02:37 GMT
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2nd Goodies novella available for pre-order
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesThe second Goodies novella from Chinbeard Books is now available for pre-order.  Join the team again for another Goodies-authorized adventure, with a forward by Robin Ince (and all sales benefitting a charity in honor of the late Tim Brooke-Taylor).

From the official product description:

"These are dark times for the BBC.
Unceremoniously axed by the new Prime Minister, it has been forced from the airwaves at the very moment it is most needed.

For there is a mystery afoot that threatens the very fabric of the nation or, at least, of Tim’s waistcoat.

A missing sherbet heiress. A mysterious chalk outline. A bilingual rodent with a secret past.

Oh, and a brand new true crime podcast just waiting to take the country by storm.

That’s right.

The Goodies are on the air and on the case ."

You can pre-order here:

Posted by lisa at 05/01/2023 00:07 GMT
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UK Channel That's TV showing The Goodies starting Sept 28th
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesUK Classic TV channel That's TV has acquired the rights to show "the Goodies".  They announced on their Facebook page yesterday "Over 60 episodes of The Goodies. Starts Wednesday night at 9.35pm on That's TV - The Home of Iconic TV"

Posted by lisa at 28/09/2022 15:01 GMT
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I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Series 77 with Graeme Garden
more from same (British Comedy)
British ComedyIf you've missed any episodes of the latest series of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue"  you can find episodes 1-4 (with Graeme Garden) at

Posted by lisa at 07/08/2022 20:10 GMT
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Quitting Clarion and Globe newsletter
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesI'm quitting my role as editor for the Clarion and Globe.  The newsletter will no longer go out each month.  Been a fun job but I feel that I've had enough of the role.

Posted by JG_PeckinPahs at 20/04/2022 03:57 GMT
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"50 Years Without a Clue" special available on the BBC website
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesThe 50th Anniversary "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" special, "50 Years Without a Clue", which was first broadcast yesterday (16 April) is available online at

Posted by lisa at 17/04/2022 21:22 GMT
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ISIHAC 50th Anniversary repeats & special
more from same (British Comedy)
British ComedyIn honor of the 50th Anniversary of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue", BBC Radio will be repeating a series of classic episodes of the radio show including the 1972 debut episode featuring Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Bill Oddie, Jo Kendall and Humphrey Lyttelton.  The repeats start next Monday - details at (

Also scheduled is the special "50 Years Without A Clue" on BBC Radio 4's Archive Hour Saturday, 16 April (

Posted by lisa at 11/04/2022 14:37 GMT
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Changes to the clarion and globe
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesThe clarion will not go out today as there not much news to put in it.  So from now on the clarion and globe will only go out if there is news that month.

Posted by JG_PeckinPahs at 24/03/2022 22:48 GMT
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More Goodies novella info - Barnaby Eaton-Jones on Goodies Podcast 167
more from same (The Goodies)
The Goodies More information about the Goodies novella line's future has been revealed in the latest Goodies Podcast (167) which features an interview with writer and publisher Barnaby Eaton-Jones.

Some points from the interview include:

- The novella 'Avengers Dissemble' was based on the last fully-developed audio script (as opposed to what would've been the second audio episode) because it featured the return of 'Dame' Joanna Lumley

- The second novella has been written! By Kenton Hall, who helped to edit and contribute to the first novella

The half-hour interview covers a range of other novella aspects but keeps things spoiler-free. The book can still be ordered from:

Posted by jeffers at 18/03/2022 20:33 GMT
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C&G 241 Now Available!
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesThe February issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out. And the newsletter has gone out to the mailing list. 

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

Posted by JG_PeckinPahs at 25/02/2022 05:47 GMT
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An Audience With The Goodies DVD 
Order Here.

Clarion and Globe  
Latest Newsletters:

* C&G 241 February 2022
* C&G 240 October 2021
* C&G 239 September 2021

Back issues are available in our Articles and Guides section

Other Online Goodies Resources 
* The Goodies Podcast
* The Goodies Pirate Podcast

Goodies' Official Sites:
* Bill Oddie's official website
* Official I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue website

Other Fan Sites:
* The Goodies Facebook Page
* The Goodies Illustrated Guide

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