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zaphod's Journal
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2006-04-13 21:24:31
I'm baaaack!
After being on hiatus, I've finally decided to catch up on all the stuff I've been too slack (read busy) to be doing for the past 3 weeks.

Firstly, I've been house sitting for my future-in-laws, who have a place out in the sticks (Hope Valley) where public transport sucks and there's no broadband.  Heck there was no internet of any kind....for 3 whole weeks!!!!!!!    AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!

I'm finally catching up on the literally thousands of emails I've had backing up and haven't read/looked at/deleted/etc.

I'm massively behind in work, but what else is new.  I think I'm another couple of years behind thanks to that hiatus, which wasn't really a hiatus, it was just so tedious getting to and from work that by the time I got there and started, it was time to head back.

This week has been a real pain in the behind as well.  Firstly, on Monday my mobile phone died and I had to get another one ($200 later).  My backpack which I must admit is getting a bit long in the tooth decided to break the zip on the main compartment and drop my laptop & assorted other items on the ground, necessitating me getting a new backpack (a further $80 later) and I'm worried about what's next, as my income isn't really enough to cover all of it and I've had to borrow the cash from my Fiance, but at least she knows she will get it back soon enough, I just hate doing it.

Incidentally, at least my new phone has a camera and bluetooth and stuff, so it's probably worth the upgrade, maybe I'll post some pics......

Mood - Happy to be Home
Music - Yazoo - Dont Go
Edited - Never

Woo Hoo a new phone - my hubby got me one with a phone and I have to get my daughter to show me how to use it....  I am technologically challenged .... we can't all be blessed with brains AND beauty 
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 14/04/2006 10:41 GMT
gee I can't type either - I got one with a CAMERA - geez!!
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 14/04/2006 10:42 GMT
Welcome back. I've just emerged from isolation myself.
I need a new phone too but can't seem to find any with a plan I like attached to them.
Cool I haven't heard Yazoo's Don't Go for aaaages!
Posted by:AC


date: 18/04/2006 19:49 GMT
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