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fishfaceflaps's Journal
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2006-04-05 23:58:49
Small things are beautiful
[b][/b]Hi Al,

First entry onto the great goodies planet.  Did anybody catch the repeat of Clue on BBC7 this week?  I'd not heard it. 

Seemed like everybody was on helium - that'll be the youth in them.  They've calmed down a bit now.

Listening to the modern-day versions, Graeme Garden seems to have such a sharp brain and only Barry Cryer can keep up, perhaps that's why they work well together????  :-//

Not really doing much at the mo.  My mum is in hospital and has just had a stroke so one can't settle to do much else.  Apart from worry of course!  Chocolate is supposed to give you endorphins or something but after much practical work on the subject I appear to be fatter but no happier.

Well, I think I've taken enough liberties now so I'll let you get on with your lives. 

Remember, a repeat on the BBC is a right not a privelidge.  After all, we've hd the bloody Good Life for the last 25 years, clearly they knew their rights!  Come on Beeb - give us the Goodies.  A knighthood for Bill Oddie too.  I fang u.

Mood - Heavy
Music - None - music's for idiots. Ha! No, it's Sigur Ros
Edited - Never

I hope your Mum gets better soon!
Posted by:ek


date: 06/04/2006 16:17 GMT
Yes,that's no good about your mum.You mentioned the magic word-CHOCOLATE!! .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 09/04/2006 15:22 GMT
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